Tex Riddell

Engineer, DirectX Compiler

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D3D12 Work Graphs

This is the official release of D3D12 Work Graphs, enabling new types of GPU autonomy, originally available as a preview in 2023. To start, here's what Epic sees: With the proliferation of GPU-driven rendering techniques - such as Nanite in Unreal Engine 5 - the role of the CPU is trending towards primarily resource management and ...

D3D12 Work Graphs Preview

Work Graphs is now out of preview. See the launch blog here Contents Introduction to work graphs Work graphs are a system for GPU autonomy in D3D12. Given the increasing prevalence of general compute workloads on GPUs, the motivation is to address ...

Agility SDK 1.711.3-preview: Work Graphs, Wave Matrix, AV1 Encoding

Hi everyone, Today we’re excited to announce the newest Preview Agility SDK v1.711.3 download; This SDK previews three new features for developers to discover.  First is Work Graphs, a new way for the GPU to create work for itself.  Second is Wave Matrix support, which allows developers to take advantage of dedicated silicon to speed...