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Optional static type-checking for JavaScript.


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Sauver mon i18n en le typant

Sauver mon i18n en le typant

3 min read
i18n: The Type-Safe Approach

i18n: The Type-Safe Approach

3 min read
Unlocking the Power of TypeScript's "as const": The Underrated Feature You Need to Know

Unlocking the Power of TypeScript's "as const": The Underrated Feature You Need to Know

2 min read


2 min read
Let's Build a Full-Stack App with tRPC and Next.js App router

Let's Build a Full-Stack App with tRPC and Next.js App router

8 min read
How to set up a Node Project using TypeScript in 2024

How to set up a Node Project using TypeScript in 2024

2 min read
A Tailwind never-ending carousel (ticker)

A Tailwind never-ending carousel (ticker)

4 min read
Implementing Golang's chan in TypeScript with @harnyk/chan

Implementing Golang's chan in TypeScript with @harnyk/chan

2 min read
ES6 Destructuring in Typescript

ES6 Destructuring in Typescript

2 min read
Jest Recap: Safely Mock Properties and Methods of Global Objects

Jest Recap: Safely Mock Properties and Methods of Global Objects

3 min read
Form Validation In TypeScipt Projects Using Zod and React Hook Form

Form Validation In TypeScipt Projects Using Zod and React Hook Form

14 min read
Pulumi in Python: Translating Interpolation

Pulumi in Python: Translating Interpolation

4 min read
Decorator design pattern in React

Decorator design pattern in React

2 min read
JavaScript to TypeScript in React-Native Development

JavaScript to TypeScript in React-Native Development

4 min read
Typescript tuples aren't tuples

Typescript tuples aren't tuples

1 min read
Exploring Option Conversions in Effect-TS

Exploring Option Conversions in Effect-TS

4 min read
Safely Experiment with Angular 18: A Guide for Developers with Existing 16 & 17 Projects

Safely Experiment with Angular 18: A Guide for Developers with Existing 16 & 17 Projects

2 min read
Arquitetura Eficiente com Node.js e TypeScript

Arquitetura Eficiente com Node.js e TypeScript

3 min read
A Responsive and User-Friendly React Image Gallery Package

A Responsive and User-Friendly React Image Gallery Package

2 min read
Building NPM packages for CommonJS with ESM dependencies

Building NPM packages for CommonJS with ESM dependencies

3 min read
How to Create a Scalable Folder/File Structure for Your Express Application

How to Create a Scalable Folder/File Structure for Your Express Application

3 min read
Dominando os Utility Types do TypeScript

Dominando os Utility Types do TypeScript

4 min read
REPL in Nestjs

REPL in Nestjs

1 min read
Create Todo in React JS with typescript?

Create Todo in React JS with typescript?

3 min read
Optimising package size for Typescript AWS Lambda functions using serverless-esbuild

Optimising package size for Typescript AWS Lambda functions using serverless-esbuild

5 min read
The Definitive Guide to RxJS Creation Operators in Angular

The Definitive Guide to RxJS Creation Operators in Angular

7 min read
🧭 🇹 When to use the non-null assertion operator in TypeScript

🧭 🇹 When to use the non-null assertion operator in TypeScript

2 min read
🛠️ Browser Extensions

🛠️ Browser Extensions

3 min read
ArrayQuery: ORM-like Querying for JavaScript Arrays

ArrayQuery: ORM-like Querying for JavaScript Arrays

5 min read
Understanding the Difference Between `Array<T>` and `T[]` in TypeScript

Understanding the Difference Between `Array<T>` and `T[]` in TypeScript

2 min read
Why Developers Need TypeScript

Why Developers Need TypeScript

1 min read
Oh CommonJS! Why are you mESMing with me?! Reasons to ditch CommonJS

Oh CommonJS! Why are you mESMing with me?! Reasons to ditch CommonJS

5 min read
Typescript Coding Chronicles: Product of Array Except Self

Typescript Coding Chronicles: Product of Array Except Self

4 min read
Typescript Coding Chronicles: Increasing Triplet Subsequence

Typescript Coding Chronicles: Increasing Triplet Subsequence

4 min read
Typescript Coding Chronicles: Reverse Words in a String

Typescript Coding Chronicles: Reverse Words in a String

4 min read
Typescript - Best Practices

Typescript - Best Practices

1 min read
Understanding SOLID design principles with easy coding examples

Understanding SOLID design principles with easy coding examples

3 min read
Serve Next.js with Fastify

Serve Next.js with Fastify

4 min read
neotraverse: unbloating traverse

neotraverse: unbloating traverse

7 min read
Getting Started with React Native: Building Your First App

Getting Started with React Native: Building Your First App

2 min read
Unlocking Intelligent Conversations with React AI ChatBot from Sista AI

Unlocking Intelligent Conversations with React AI ChatBot from Sista AI

2 min read
How can I store something written in an input ?

How can I store something written in an input ?

1 min read
What is different between undefined and null in Java Script

What is different between undefined and null in Java Script

1 min read
Understanding 'any', 'unknown', and 'never' in TypeScript

Understanding 'any', 'unknown', and 'never' in TypeScript

2 min read
Automate the tasks using Vercel Cron Jobs

Automate the tasks using Vercel Cron Jobs

3 min read
WebAssembly: Revolutionizing Web Performance

WebAssembly: Revolutionizing Web Performance

3 min read
Prefer utility types over model changes in TypeScript

Prefer utility types over model changes in TypeScript

1 min read
Automate Github Pull Requests With NodeJS API

Automate Github Pull Requests With NodeJS API

6 min read
Ajv-ts reached 0.7! 🎉

Ajv-ts reached 0.7! 🎉

1 min read
What is Docker? - Day 3 Of #100DaysOfFullStackChallnege

What is Docker? - Day 3 Of #100DaysOfFullStackChallnege

3 min read
Javascript to Typescript Tips

Javascript to Typescript Tips

1 min read
How to create awaitable prompt as React Component

How to create awaitable prompt as React Component

2 min read
Iterating Over a Visual Editor Compiler

Iterating Over a Visual Editor Compiler

4 min read
Typescript Coding Chronicles: Reverse Vowels of a String

Typescript Coding Chronicles: Reverse Vowels of a String

3 min read
Typescript Coding Chronicles: Can Place Flowers

Typescript Coding Chronicles: Can Place Flowers

4 min read
Typescript Coding Chronicles: Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies

Typescript Coding Chronicles: Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies

4 min read
Typescript Coding Chronicles: Merge Strings Alternately

Typescript Coding Chronicles: Merge Strings Alternately

4 min read
Typescript Coding Chronicles: Greatest Common Divisor of Strings

Typescript Coding Chronicles: Greatest Common Divisor of Strings

4 min read
Differentiating Zustand and Redux

Differentiating Zustand and Redux

3 min read
Form-based Dataverse Web Resources with React, Typescript and FluentUI

Form-based Dataverse Web Resources with React, Typescript and FluentUI

6 min read