DEV Community


Once relegated to the browser as one of the 3 core technologies of the web, JavaScript can now be found almost anywhere you find code. JavaScript developers move fast and push software development forward; they can be as opinionated as the frameworks they use, so let's keep it clean here and make it a place to learn from each other!


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🚀Enhancing Your Next.js Starter: Introducing Renovate, SonarCloud, and CodeFactor🚀

🚀Enhancing Your Next.js Starter: Introducing Renovate, SonarCloud, and CodeFactor🚀

3 min read
How to make a replica of GPT Actions with the OpenAI API only ?

How to make a replica of GPT Actions with the OpenAI API only ?

2 min read
How To Verify Forms Using Formik in React js

How To Verify Forms Using Formik in React js

6 min read
JavaScript MMORPG - Maiu Online - #babylonjs - Ep30: Spells and visual effects

JavaScript MMORPG - Maiu Online - #babylonjs - Ep30: Spells and visual effects

1 min read
shadcn-ui/ui codebase analysis: How does shadcn-ui CLI work? — Part 3.1

shadcn-ui/ui codebase analysis: How does shadcn-ui CLI work? — Part 3.1

4 min read
Episode 24/28: Angular 18.1

Episode 24/28: Angular 18.1

2 min read
Object Mutability in Javascript

Object Mutability in Javascript

3 min read
How to start with React Native as ReactJS developer?

How to start with React Native as ReactJS developer?

2 min read
Unlocking the Power of TypeScript's "as const": The Underrated Feature You Need to Know

Unlocking the Power of TypeScript's "as const": The Underrated Feature You Need to Know

2 min read
How To Use TanStack (React Query)

How To Use TanStack (React Query)

5 min read
Modificando versão do node na Netlify

Modificando versão do node na Netlify

1 min read
Taliwind CSS VS Boostrap:which one should you choose?

Taliwind CSS VS Boostrap:which one should you choose?

2 min read
How to Build and Publish a Chrome Extension: Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Custom Session Saver

How to Build and Publish a Chrome Extension: Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Custom Session Saver

7 min read
My 2 cents on react & next

My 2 cents on react & next

2 min read
JavaScript Moderno: Recursos Avançados para Desenvolvedores

JavaScript Moderno: Recursos Avançados para Desenvolvedores

2 min read
Flutter vs. React Native

Flutter vs. React Native

7 min read
I Need Help

I Need Help

1 min read
Common mistake to avoid while loading a file synchronously using script tag

Common mistake to avoid while loading a file synchronously using script tag

2 min read
Building a Trend Analysis Tool with the FeedRika API - Part I - Setup

Building a Trend Analysis Tool with the FeedRika API - Part I - Setup

6 min read
Angular VS VueJS

Angular VS VueJS

11 min read
Unleash Your VSCode Mastery: A Project to Build an Extension with ChatGPT

Unleash Your VSCode Mastery: A Project to Build an Extension with ChatGPT

3 min read
Integrating with the OS Sharing UI using the Web Share API

Integrating with the OS Sharing UI using the Web Share API

3 min read
Mastering Error Boundaries in React: A Guide to Effective Error Handling

Mastering Error Boundaries in React: A Guide to Effective Error Handling

4 min read
Envelope Budgeting API: Easy Money Management

Envelope Budgeting API: Easy Money Management

3 min read
JavaScript Design Patterns - Behavioral - Memento

JavaScript Design Patterns - Behavioral - Memento

1 min read
Advanced Node.js API Logging with Winston and Morgan

Advanced Node.js API Logging with Winston and Morgan

4 min read
Path To A Clean(er) React Architecture (Part 8) - How Does React-Query Fit Into The Picture?

Path To A Clean(er) React Architecture (Part 8) - How Does React-Query Fit Into The Picture?

8 min read
Master Redux: A Simple Guide for React Developers

Master Redux: A Simple Guide for React Developers

5 min read
Lucky Numbers in a Matrix

Lucky Numbers in a Matrix

1 min read
Creating A Carousel with Vanilla JS

Creating A Carousel with Vanilla JS

12 min read
How to set up a Node Project using TypeScript in 2024

How to set up a Node Project using TypeScript in 2024

2 min read
WeakSet in JS?

WeakSet in JS?

2 min read
SafeLine Community Edition releases dynamic protection capabilities.

SafeLine Community Edition releases dynamic protection capabilities.

3 min read
Managing Static Assets in Public Directory vs Imports

Managing Static Assets in Public Directory vs Imports

3 min read
The Dark Side of CloudWatch Logging in Node.js: A Performance Nightmare

The Dark Side of CloudWatch Logging in Node.js: A Performance Nightmare

1 min read
Steps to Preventing Prototype Pollution Attacks in JavaScript

Steps to Preventing Prototype Pollution Attacks in JavaScript

3 min read
Dive into Web Designing Basics with My New GitHub Repository

Dive into Web Designing Basics with My New GitHub Repository

1 min read
How to obfuscate e-mail address in Svelte

How to obfuscate e-mail address in Svelte

1 min read
The Importance of Mathematics and Physics in Machine Learning and Data Science

The Importance of Mathematics and Physics in Machine Learning and Data Science

2 min read
A Proxy in JavaScript

A Proxy in JavaScript

2 min read
Getting Started with Next.js: Part 8 - State Management and API Integration

Getting Started with Next.js: Part 8 - State Management and API Integration

2 min read
Top 3 Best React Books 2024

Top 3 Best React Books 2024

2 min read


5 min read
#Mobile Application Development in React Native

#Mobile Application Development in React Native

2 min read
15 Short & Sweet JavaScript Snippets

15 Short & Sweet JavaScript Snippets

2 min read
useState is not always the correct answer❌

useState is not always the correct answer❌

2 min read
Running and Creating Your Own LLMs Locally with Node.js API using Ollama

Running and Creating Your Own LLMs Locally with Node.js API using Ollama

2 min read
Testing React Applications with Cypress: A Comprehensive Guide

Testing React Applications with Cypress: A Comprehensive Guide

4 min read
JavaScript dasturlash tili o'zi nima?

JavaScript dasturlash tili o'zi nima?

4 min read


2 min read
Mastering the Art of Responsive Accordion Interfaces: A Project-Based Course

Mastering the Art of Responsive Accordion Interfaces: A Project-Based Course

3 min read
Hello Dev Community! My Journey into Software Development

Hello Dev Community! My Journey into Software Development

3 min read
WebRTC SFU: the complete Guide.

WebRTC SFU: the complete Guide.

7 min read
பைத்தான் பயிற்சி வகுப்பின் மூலம் விளையாட்டு நிரல் எழுத முடிந்து

பைத்தான் பயிற்சி வகுப்பின் மூலம் விளையாட்டு நிரல் எழுத முடிந்து

1 min read
ES6 Destructuring in Typescript

ES6 Destructuring in Typescript

2 min read
Creating and Editing Web Content with a Distraction-Free Rich Text HTML Editor Software

Creating and Editing Web Content with a Distraction-Free Rich Text HTML Editor Software

6 min read
Angular VS React

Angular VS React

12 min read
Deciphering the Origins: Why the DOM is called the DOM?

Deciphering the Origins: Why the DOM is called the DOM?

2 min read
Deciphering the Origins: Why the DOM is called the DOM?

Deciphering the Origins: Why the DOM is called the DOM?

2 min read
How to Validate Array of Strings using Yup

How to Validate Array of Strings using Yup

3 min read