Startup Berlin

Startup Berlin

Außenhandel und internationale Entwicklung

Berlin, Berlin 8.875 Follower:innen

Innovation Made in Berlin!


Welcome to Startup Berlin – the most popular startup hub in Europe! Here we showcase the most important events, calls and information from the Berlin startup ecosystem for you. Provided by Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, Startup Berlin gives you access to the Berlin startup community and facilitates connections. Hence, we promote and accelerate opportunities for scaleups, entrepreneurs, talents, corporates, investors and other startup hubs all around the globe. Together we promote the development of the Berlin startup ecosystem and beyond that the internationalization of startups and scale-ups - Innovation made in Berlin. Sign up for our newsletter: Our company services: Legal notice: Privacy Policy: Berlin Partner for Business and Technology is funded by the State of Berlin. Jobs and internships @ Berlin Partner: *NEW website* of the Start Alliance Network:

Außenhandel und internationale Entwicklung
51–200 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin


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    📢 Spannende Möglichkeit für Healthcare Startups 📢

    ‼️ Startups aufgepasst - Schnappt Euch die Preise im Gesamtwert von über 2.500 € ! 🤑 🏆 Berlin/Brandenburg brilliert im nationalen Vergleich nicht nur im klinischen Versorgungs- und Forschungsbereich, sondern beansprucht den Titel der Startup-Region Deutschlands für sich. Ob Personalmangel, Lieferengpässe, Qualitäts- und Leistungsdruck, Nachwuchs-Ausbildung, Digitalisierung oder demografischer Wandel - trotz vorherrschender Innovationskraft und potentiellen Lösungsansätzen bleiben alltägliche Bedarfslücken in den Kliniken bestehen. Das muss sich ändern - und das werden wir. 🤝 Gemeinsam mit der Berliner Sparkasse und Gesundheitsstadt Berlin veranstalten wir am 26. September ab 18 Uhr wieder die Healthcare Innovator’s Bridge 2024 mit dem Ziel, diese Brücke zu schlagen, Distanzen zu überwinden und Innovationen voranzutreiben. Wir verknüpfen Euch mit etablierten Industry Players sowie privaten und institutionellen Investierenden aus Berlin und Brandenburg - von der Einweisung bis zur Entlassung - mit einer Mission: 🏥 Heute gemeinsam für die Klinik von Morgen. ⁉️Euer innovatives Startup hat das Zeug dazu, die Welt zu verändern? Eure Idee kann Kliniken helfen, Menschen besser zu versorgen, Ärzt*innen und klinisches Personal zu entlasten oder Therapie-Erfolge zu steigern? 🫵 Dann bewerbt Euch noch bis 31.08.2024 um einen Pitch-Slot auf der Healthcare Innovator's Bridge 2024 und erhaltet die Chance, Euch zu vernetzen und erfolgreich Brücken zu schlagen. Einzige Voraussetzung: Euer Startup hat seinen Sitz in Berlin oder Brandenburg. Hier geht es zur Bewerbung: 💶 Nach den Pitches werden die besten Teams mit dem Publikums- und Jury-Preis im Gesamtwert von über 2.500 € ausgezeichnet. Wer als Gast mit dabei sein möchte, kann sich über folgenden Link kostenlos ein Ticket sichern: Wir freuen uns auf euch! #bacb #bsk #gsb #berlin #brandenburg #healthcare #startup #pitch #investment #businessangel

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  • Unternehmensseite von Startup Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    Startups Connected Roadshow 2024 🚀 Is your startup based in Germany, and interested in operating as a business or establishing R&D cooperation in Brazil? 🙂 DWIH São Paulo is searching for innovative solutions that contribute to the sustainability of economic, environmental and social development through artificial intelligence. By promoting the challenge “Artificial Intelligence: Spotlight on People and Society” with Startups Connected, the German-Brazilian Chamber (AHK São Paulo)’s open innovation program, DWIH São Paulo aims to encourage German #startups based on scientific research and that offer artificial intelligence solutions focused on people and society to also act in #Brazil. The subscribed startup must offer an innovative solution that contributes to the sustainability of economic, environmental and social development through artificial intelligence. The startup is expected to be interested in operating as a business, as well as in establishing R&D cooperation in Brazil. To this end, the startup must be willing to comply with the DWIH São Paulo roadshow offered jointly with German-Brazilian Chamber (AHK São Paulo). By winning the “Artificial Intelligence: Spotlight on People and Society” category, the startup will have the opportunity to participate in the customized Startups Connected Roadshow offered by DWIH São Paulo in 2024. Additionally, the startup will gain access to the networks of DWIH São Paulo and AHK São Paulo, enabling them to build contacts with partners, potential customers, and centers of excellence that can assist in developing or improving their solution for the Brazilian market. Deadline Registration: July 25 th, 2024. 👉 Visit our website and learn more about this opportunity:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Startup Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    Interesting insights into #Berlin #startup employment 💡

    Profil von Norbert Herrmann anzeigen, Grafik

    Public Administration - Startups - Interface

    taking 2023/2024 data from found 89.000 employees in #Berlin #Startups in #Berlin. Last report in 2022/2023 showed 73.000 employees in #Berlin #Startups in #Berlin Report 2021/2022 showed 69.500 employees in #Berlin #Startups in #Berlin. Not to forget that there are employees in Notberlin Startups in Berlin. Data might not be perfect but it can at least be hint. #Berlin #CityOfStartups downloadlink: Startup Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe, Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH, Investitionsbank Berlin, Get Started by Bitkom, Startup-Verband, IHK Berlin

  • Unternehmensseite von Startup Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    Yesterday, the Berlin Deep Tech Award was presented for the ninth time. With the awards Berlin honours its most innovative deep tech startups and companies. The expert jury selected one winning team in each of five categories from almost 100 applications submitted. The decisive criteria were the degree of innovation and the market potential of the technological solutions. 👏 And the winners are: Artificial Intelligence:  🏆 Cambrium Photonics & Quantum Technologies: 🏆 DiaMonTech AG Robotics:  🏆 EvoLogics GmbH Sustainable & Social Impact:  🏆 SAFIA Technologies GmbH Web3.0 - DLT, Blockchain, NFT & Metaverse:  🏆 Staex #StartupBerlin #CityOfDeepTech

    Unternehmensseite von Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe anzeigen, Grafik

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    Trommelwirbel, tieeeef Luft holen, ta-daaaa: Das sind die neuen Stars am Berliner Deep Tech Himmel! 💫 Schimmelpilzjäger, Blutzucker-Laser, Protein-Designer, Anti-Hacker-Architekten und Unterwasserroboter - die Vielfalt der Deep Tech Anwendungen aus Berlin ist groß. Am Donnerstagabend wurde zum neunten Mal der Deep Tech Award verliehen. Mit den Preisen zeichnet Berlin seine innovativsten Deep Tech Startups und Unternehmen aus. Aus fast 100 eingereichten Bewerbungen wurde in fünf Kategorien je ein Gewinnerteam durch eine Fachjury ausgewählt. Ausschlaggebende Entscheidungskriterien waren hierbei der Innovationsgrad und das Marktpotenzial der technologischen Lösungen. And the winners are: Kategorie „Künstliche Intelligenz“: 🏆 Cambrium GmbH Kategorie „Photonik & Quantentechnologien“: 🏆 DiaMonTech AG Kategorie „Robotik“: 🏆 EvoLogics GmbH Kategorie „Sustainable & Social Impact“: 🏆 SAFIA Technologies GmbH Kategorie „Web3.0 – DLT, Blockchain, NFT & Metaverse“: 🏆 Staex GmbH Wirtschaftssenatorin Franziska #Giffey übergab die Preise an die Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner und betonte: „Unsere Stadt ist heute ein wachsender Deep Tech Standort, an dem aus der Tiefe der Forschung Erkenntnisse für innovative Produkte und Anwendungen entstehen. Mit den Awards wollen wir diese Entwicklung und ihre herausragendsten Beispiele sichtbar machen. Die ausgezeichneten Unternehmen zeigen, wie vielfältig die Einsatzgebiete der entwickelten Innovationen sind und bestärken uns in dem Anspruch, Berlin weiter als Deep Tech Hotspot zu positionieren. Die Etablierung eines Deep Tech Hubs im MotionLab.Berlin und der bevorstehende Start des Deep Tech Mentoring Programms sind weitere Bausteine auf diesem Weg.“ 👏 Wir gratulieren allen Finalistinnen und Finalisten des Wettbewerbs und ganz besonders den Gewinnerinnen und Gewinnern des diesjährigen Deep Tech Award. 🤝 Gemeinsam arbeiten wir daran, Berlin zum Innovationsstandort Nummer eins in Europa zu machen! Mehr Informationen: #DeepTech #Innovation #Berlin #Wirtschaft #DeepTechAward Fotos: Guillem López Nicolau

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  • Unternehmensseite von Startup Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    Berlin - Startup on the rise ✨ Need an incredible example of how #AI solutions can push the boundaries of modern healthcare? Berlin-based startup Lucid Genomics mines previously undiscovered parts of human DNA and translates 100% of genetic
information into valuable insights for better patient care and accelerated drug discovery. In his conversation with our friends at HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg and #ai_berlin, co-founder and CEO Uirá Souto Melo talked about the so-called dark genome as well as the research and founder landscape in #Berlin:   ⭐ What is your company about and what it is that you are doing? Basically, there are three things that were mandatory for Lucid Genomics to exist. The first part is that there are new technologies that can sequence DNA at unprecedented levels. Now we can extract the information that we were missing on the dark genome so far. The second part is that DNA is very complex and we needed the help of AI. Now, with deep learning models we can extract the information that is hidden in the DNA and actually make sense of it. And the third part is the knowledge about the dark genome: What exactly is in there? What kind of information can we extract? And how can we understand why people develop specific genetic diseases and cancers? So, our expertise in the combination of these three things – new sequencing technologies, advances in AI and the knowledge about the dark genome – is the reason we were able to build Lucid genomics.    ⭐ Data privacy is a major concern in the field of genomics. How does Lucid Genomics protect patient data and ensure compliance with regulations?    To create our machine learning tools we work with anonymized data – so we don’t know whose DNA we are looking at. In this sense, any information we can get from individuals’ DNA, can not be traced back to them, which is in accordance with GDPR and other regulations. One example is that our cloud-server is hosted in Germany.   ⭐ Is there a reason why you set up Lucid Genomics here in Berlin and what’s your impression of the local AI ecosystem? We were already based in Berlin and were very well connected with different resources and other AI startups. Berlin is definitely a hub for AI startups, for example the successful startup Aignostics from Charité is also based here in Berlin. There are also a lot of experts in AI at Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt Universität whom we are in close contact with. On top of that, we are now one of six companies that became part of K.I.E.Z. Künstliche Intelligenz Entrepreneurship Zentrum which is located in Berlin. Based on our experience, Berlin is definitely the best place for AI startups in all of Germany.   To get an in-depth view of Lucid Genomics, read the full interview here  ▶ 🔬 ⚕

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  • Unternehmensseite von Startup Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    📢📢 2025 European Prize for Women Innovators now open for applications The European Innovation Council (EIC) ( and EIT - European Institute of Innovation and Technology are launching the 2025 edition of the European Prize for Women Innovators. This joint initiative celebrates the outstanding achievements of women entrepreneurs driving positive change for people and the planet through their innovative ventures.   Check out the prize categories: - 𝐄𝐈𝐂 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲: Open to women founders and co-founders from the EU and Associated Countries. Three prizes of EUR 100 000, EUR 70 000 and EUR 50 000 are awarded to the three highest-ranked applications. - 𝐄𝐈𝐂 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲: Targeting promising innovators under the age of 35. Three prizes of EUR 50 000, EUR 30 000 and EUR 20 000 are awarded to the three highest-ranked applications. - 𝐄𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲: Focused on women with a direct link to the EIT Community. Three prizes of EUR 50 000, EUR 30 000 and EUR 20 000 are awarded to the three highest-ranked applications.   Sounds like a fit? Applications are now open until 25 September 2024. More info and the application portal can be found here:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Startup Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    Want to take the stage at the most powerful tech exhibition in the world? Apply now and be part of the Berlin-Brandenburg joint stand ⚡

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    Innovation & Transformation, Immersive Technologies / XR, Metaverse, Sustainable Digitization

    📢 𝗠𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗯𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝘃𝗼𝗻 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻-𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗯𝘂𝗿𝗴 𝗮𝘂𝗳 𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗖𝗘𝗦 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱 🚀 Seid mit dabei auf der CES 2025 in Las Vegas vom 7. ­­– 10. Januar 2025! Die CES, eine der weltweit wichtigsten Messen für Unterhaltungselektronik, zieht über 4.300 Aussteller und 135.000 Fachbesucher aus 150 Ländern an. Sie ist die Bühne für Premieren neuer Produkte und Innovationen. Neben den klassischen Elektronikherstellern nutzen inzwischen auch alle großen Automobilhersteller sowie zahlreiche Startup die CES Anfang des Jahres als Bühne. Zusammen mit der IHK Berlin organisieren wir, Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH den #Gemeinschaftsstand der Region #Berlin-Brandenburg und bieten eine kostengünstige Beteiligung für Unternehmen, Wissenschaftseinrichtungen und Netzwerke aus der Hauptstadtregion. Info: Wir freuen uns über eure Anmeldungen! 📩 👉 🤫pssst: beeilt euch... die CES ist immer sehr beliebt! 😉 #ICTberlinstyle #CES2025 #Messe

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  • Unternehmensseite von Startup Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    Do you have an idea, a solution or a product that can help with individual, shared or public mobility? If yes, now’s the time to enter the #SmartMoveChallenge - European contest for brand new startups looking for their first market organised in frame of #EuropeanMobilityExpo 2024. The contest serves as a real springboard for the winners in three categories: ➡ Resources and services for passengers ➡ Resources and services for local authorities ➡ Resources and services for operations The Grand Prize winner will receive a cash prize of €7,000, introductions to the heads of innovation at leading companies in the sector and more. You have until 19 July 2024 to enter the race! 🎯 Apply Here: Read more about the challenge:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Startup Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    🤝 Are you a GreenTech startup looking to reach relevant audience? Imagine having access to over 4,500+ participants from 30+ countries, and 250+ investors. Now, you can!   🌱 Join the IMPACT FESTIVAL experience to generate leads, pitch your idea, and gain visibility and valuable connections for profitable partnerships. Scale up your impact thanks to pitch slots, panel discussions, masterclasses, and valuable conversations with potential clients, investors, corporate decision-makers.   ⏳ Limited spots available! Apply now to become an exhibitor at IMPACT FESTIVAL and take your solution to the next level.   ✍ Apply here:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Startup Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    3 new startup programs of Deutsche Bahn!   DB mindbox - the startup hub of Deutsche Bahn - has currently announced three new startup programs and is looking for innovative solutions for various application areas together with strong partners.   👷♂️ Future of railroad construction industry 2024 Together with strong partners of the Future of Railroad Construction Initiative (ZIB), DB mindbox is looking for exciting ConTech solutions to support construction workers with state-of-the-art technologies, promote sustainable & climate-friendly construction, increase the attractiveness of the industry for skilled workers and use state-of-the-art technology in the areas of planning, construction or cyber security. Major players in the rail construction industry such as DB InfraGO, DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH, KAF Falkenhahn Unternehmensgruppe, LEONHARD WEISS GmbH & Co. KG, INROS LACKNER SE, Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group und Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes are also taking part. 👉 Deadline for applications is July 14.   🧠 Human Resources 2024 Employees are a company's most important resource. With over 300,000 employees, DB offers a wide variety of professions and challenges. For the 7th time, DB mindbox is looking for innovative tech solutions together with the DB Group's HR department. This year, the focus is on the areas of learning, employee support, career development and document creation. 👉 Deadline for applications is August 04.   🚅 Long Distance Transport 2024 DB's long-distance transport ensures the mobility of many travelers throughout Germany and in neighboring countries. The new program is looking for digital and innovative solutions to support the following processes: demand-oriented, mobile train cleaning, more transparency about sustainability / overall life cycle assessment and increased use of sustainable materials for certain areas of use. 👉 Deadline for applications is August 04.   ✅ Benefits Fast prototyping in 100 days, €25,000 funding, live tests under real conditions, exclusive access to experts, data, markets, professional coaching & mentoring, 24/7 coworking in Berlin, possibility of follow-up cooperation with DB & partners. All further information on the new programs, search fields etc. can be found at:   #StartupBerlin #CityofTalents #CityofCooperation #DBmindbox #StartupHub #DeutschBahn #Startups #Digitalization #Innovation #Application #PartnerPost

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