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    In June 2024, 34 million out of 154 million U.S. workers aged 16 and older were engaged in remote work, roughly half of whom had a telework quota of 100 percent as per U.S. Census Bureau data. The increasing acceptance of hybrid or fully remote work in a variety of industries coupled with many companies applying cost-cutting measures after pandemic growth spurts has led to a jump in vacant office spaces in the United States. Preliminary data from Moody's commercial real estate market analysis for the second quarter of 2024 shows the share of empty offices has hit a historic high of 20.1 percent. As the Statista Chart illustrates, this marks a 3.2 percentage point increase compared to the last quarter before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and an increase of almost five percentage points compared to the second quarter of 2018. The previous highs, according to Moody's analysts commenting on the data in the accompanying press release, were at 19.3 percent in 1986 and 1991. This is also reflected in the change in effective rent, which was flat in one and decreased in three of the past four quarters. The role of big tech companies in this development is evident when drilling down to the changes in specific metro areas. For example, San Francisco exhibited a vacancy percentage increase of 5.4 points and effective rents shrinking by 4.7 percent over the past twelve months. The Raleigh-Durham metro, also known as the Research Triangle due to its three elite universities and large concentration of tech and life science companies, experienced an office vacancy rate increase of 4.7 percent between the second quarters of 2023 and 2024.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Statista anzeigen, Grafik

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    The rise of on-demand music streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music has not only changed the way we pay for music but also the way we consume it. With their curated playlists and endless opportunities to individualize the listening experience, streaming services promote a more track-based consumption as opposed to the album model that dominated the industry before the dawn of the digital age. What Apple started by selling single tracks for 99 cents on the iTunes Store appears to be accelerated by the rise of streaming services: the decline of the album format, especially in physical form.    Since 2000, CD album sales have declined more than 95 percent, as first downloads and then streaming have rendered the music industry former golden goose all but obsolete. Interestingly, vinyl sales have seen a resurgence in recent years, growing 1860% between 2000 and 2023. That sounds like a lot more than it actually is, though, as vinyl albums nearly extinct in 2000 at 2.2 million sold units and have since grown to 43 million units in 2023. While that barely moves the needle in the grand scheme of things, it was enough to surpass CD sales in 2022 – something that seemed unthinkable at the turn of the century, when the Compact Disc was in its prime.    As our latest video, based on Recording Industry Association of America® (RIAA) data, shows, all physical media were eventually succeeded by another medium. 8-Tracks and vinyl records were replaced by cassettes, which were then replaced by CDs. And while vinyl records have a dedicated fanbase these days and vinyl sales are unlikely to go back to zero anytime soon, all physical media look set for a niche existence in today’s age of digital music. 

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    Are you looking for a doctor for a specific medical procedure? To help with this process, a total of 650 physicians in four specialties were recognized this year. The first edition of America's Best Vascular Surgeons, Spine Surgeons, Prostate Cancer Oncologists and Prostate Cancer Surgeons features the top 650 physicians. To determine the best physicians, an evaluation of the data provided by the physicians was conducted: Volume of procedures performed and five metrics per procedure, such as complications per procedure or mortality rate. In addition, thousands of medical experts with knowledge in the respective fields were invited to participate in an online survey. For the national recommendations, participants were asked to rate the quality of care, e.g. treatments, follow-up care or use of the recent equipment. Several board certifications were taken into consideration for all eligible physicians.  We use our infographics in this post to explain our approach by way of example. You can find more information here: Spine Surgeons 👉 Vascular Surgeons 👉 Prostate Cancer Oncologists  👉 Prostate Cancer Surgoens👉 Methodology 👉 

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    Soccer's global popularity continues to surge as marquee events like the current UEFA EURO 2024 attract ever-larger audiences, both in traditional strongholds and emerging markets, underscoring the sport's universal appeal and its unique ability to unite diverse cultures and countries in their passion for the game.   Let's have a look at the top sports markets wordwide. For more market insights click here 👉

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    Each year, The Economist publishes a ranking of the cities with the best living conditions. In 2024, the Liveability Index saw slight improvements, despite geopolitical conflicts, civil unrest and housing crises. This is partly due to advances in healthcare and education in a number of cities in developing markets. As the following chart shows, Vienna has been crowned as the world’s most liveable city, having secured an impressive score of 98.4 points. The Austrian capital has come first three years in a row thanks to its high scores in the categories of stability, infrastructure, education and healthcare. The Danish capital of Copenhagen and the Swiss city of Zurich are the next two cities to round off the podium. Although both of the Australian cities of Sydney and Melbourne and Canada’s Vancouver remain in the top ten, all three cities have seen their infrastructure scores drop due to their respective housing crises. For this reason, Toronto in Canada fell to rank 12 in 2024. At the bottom of the list come Damascus in Syria, Tripoli in Libya and Algiers in Algeria. The Ukrainian city of Kiev also features in the bottom 10, having been added back to the index last year after it was removed due to Russia’s invasion in 2022. It ranks 165th, with a score of 26.8. The study is based on the "Global Liveability Index", which determines and compares the varying quality of life of each city’s residents, grouped under five subcategories: infrastructure, healthcare, culture and environment, education and stability. The full list comprises 173 cities.

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    The 2024 Paris Olympics promise to be a spectacular event set against the backdrop of the city’s iconic landmarks. Whether it’s the Equestrian events held at the gardens of Château de Versailles, the beach volleyball stadium set up at the feet of the Eiffel Tower or the freshly-added urban sports (3x3 basketball, BMX, breaking and skateboarding) hosted at a temporary venue on Place de la Concorde – live spectators will get to enjoy the beauty of Paris on full display. That is if they were lucky enough to get tickets and/or afford them. While the organizers of the Paris Olympics have set out to make them the “People’s Games”, the availability of affordable tickets has been a topic of discussion in the run-up to the games. While cheap €24 tickets have been available for every sport, those were limited to the early stages of competition in many cases and fans had to spend many times that to come anywhere near a medal ceremony at most events. As our chart shows, there is a huge gulf in ticket prices for the Olympics, with the most expensive tickets for the finals in Athletics, Swimming and Basketball priced at €980, which is more than 40 times the price of the cheapest tickets available for each sport. At the other end of the scale, some events top out at €24, which mostly applies to outdoor events that can also be watched for free along public roads, along the Seine, or – if you happen to be in Tahiti – at the famous Teahupo’o wave. While the eyewatering prices of some events have drawn criticism, it’s important to note that these expensive tickets make the very low starting price of tickets possible. According to the organizing committee, one million tickets were priced at €24, while almost half of the 10 million available tickets were priced at €50 or less.

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    While living in Switzerland is roughly 25 percent cheaper than in New York City according to Numbeo's Cost of Living Plus Rent Index (COLPRI), the Alpine state still tops the list of the most expensive countries to reside in worldwide in 2024. As our chart indicates, it's not the only place on the European continent where living comes at a steep price. Adding Iceland and Ireland, three of the eight highest ranking countries are situated in Europe. In the course of the cost-of-living crisis, the United States has also entered the top 10 as of 2022. However, there are stark differences in the two separate indices compounding the COLPRI. When it comes to pure cost of living without rent factored in, Switzerland scores worse at 101 points - higher than the 100 index points attributed to New York City prices. Iceland and Ireland also score higher at between 64 and 83 points for living cost without rent, while paying for an apartment is comparatively cheaper for Irish residents at only 42 percent of the rent estimates for New York City. Hong Kong and Singapore - in ranks 2 and 3 for overall cost of living - lead the rent index with almost 77 and 71 points, making them some of the most expensive states in the world. Numbeo's Cost of Living Index factors in the best guesses of average expenses for a four-person family, ranging from clothing, produce and out-of-home dining to transportation, recreational activities and utilities. The Rent Index takes into account estimates for renting one- and three-bedroom apartments in and outside of the city center.

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    Reese's is a popular American candy brand best known for its iconic Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. The brand's enduring appeal lies in its unique taste and innovative products, which continue to attract candy lovers worldwide. Let's take a look at Reese's brand performance.   The data is provided by Statista Consumer Insights and a different brand is selected and highlighted each time. For more consumer insights click here 👉

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    We are delighted to introduce the latest addition to Statista's offering: 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮+, 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗮-𝗱𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀!   Statista+ is our new service line, offering bespoke solutions tailored to the individual needs of your business. By uniquely combining expertise in 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵, 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, Statista+ offers comprehensive solutions that turn data into a powerful growth catalyst for your business.   Visit the website and start your data-driven success today:   #StatistaPlus #Launch #DataDriven

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