Better Be Buzzin'

Better Be Buzzin'


Berlin, Berlin 324 Follower:innen

We are an independent consultancy focused on marketing transformation.


We are an independent marketing consultancy who are passionate about analyzing data and uncovering insights to get our clients more bang for their buck. We apply a unique mix of curiosity, transparency, and creativity to complex challenges. As a team, our experience stretches across the fields of brand, digital marketing, IT, sales, and corporate management. This enables us to bring know-how and a deep wealth of knowledge to the table. Meaning we tackle challenges big and bigger: from how to deliver on digitisation to auditing a current marketing campaign. Our approach to creating value always starts in the same place, a passion for people mixed with a love of numbers. “It’s all about data and facts on one hand, and curiosity and passion on the other.” That’s the secret sauce. We are 100% focused on the success of our clients. We don’t do endless presentations. No paper planes or bullshit bingo. We stick to timelines. We always deliver. And we know how to have fun.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin
marketing efficiency , media efficiency, ad technology, market research, inhousing support, consulting, digital marketing, marketing campaigns, technology consulting, customer journey optimization, measurement, campaign audits , marketing transformation, campaign audits und measurement


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    The Art of Crafting a Killer Brief For Your Marketing Agency Imagine this: You're gearing up for a marketing campaign, eager to see your brand soar to new heights. But before you can even get started, you realize your roadmap is a jumbled mess of vague instructions and scattered ideas. It's like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded – you're bound to hit dead ends and miss the mark. Crafting a clear and concise briefing document for your marketing agency is like handing them a treasure map with clear directions and X marks the spot. It's the key to unlocking success and avoiding the confusion that could otherwise derail your efforts. Let's dive into what makes a briefing shine, so you can steer clear of the traps and set sail towards your marketing goals with confidence. 1. Introduction and Background: 🗒 Start with a brief introduction to your company, its mission, values, and unique selling points. Provide a snapshot of your brand's journey and position in the market. 🗒 Your brand's story sets the stage for the campaign, giving your agency context and inspiration to create compelling strategies. 2. Campaign Objectives and Goals: 🎯 Clearly outline the objectives and goals of your campaign. What are you hoping to achieve? Is it increased brand awareness, higher website traffic, or boosting sales? 🎯 Clarity on objectives acts as a guiding star for your agency, helping them steer the campaign towards success. 3. Target Audience and Personas: 👭 Describe your target audience in detail, including demographics, interests, behaviors, and pain points. Paint a vivid picture of who they are and what motivates them. 👬 Deep insights into your audience empower your agency to tailor strategies that resonate with their needs and desires. 📢 Find the full guide here: #briefing #marketing #agency #guide #buzz #dontblametheagency #garbageingarbageout

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    HOPPY EASTER! 🐰 In a world that sometimes feels as scrambled as an egg, let's take a moment to crack open some smiles and spread a little Easter cheer! This Easter, let's celebrate the spirit of renewal and hope. Easter isn't just about chocolate eggs; it's about embracing the opportunities for new beginnings, fostering connections, and creating moments of happiness. So, whether you're spending time with loved ones, enjoying the beauty of nature, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the little things, we wish you all an eggcellent Easter filled with laughter, love, and a basketful of good vibes! #happyeaster #bunny #eggs #fun #easter #positivity #newbeginning #chocolate

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    It's all about BUZZ. 📢 🙉 Unveil the magic behind viral sensations. Explore the thrilling world of buzzing messages and uncover the powerful psychology that ignites engagement. Get set to craft content that electrifies and leaves the competition in awe. So let's get buzzin'..... #marketing #message #psychology #emotions #engagement #buzzing

    Profil von Katja Berchtenbreiter anzeigen, Grafik

    Managing Partner better be buzzin' GmbH | Ex-Mercedes-Benz | Ex-easyJet | Ex-DHL | Marketing Transformation Consultancy

    The Psychology of Buzz: Unpacking Why Certain Messages Capture Attention and Spread Have you ever wondered why some messages seem to spread like wildfire while others barely make a whisper? Welcome to the fascinating world of buzz psychology, where the dynamics of human behavior intersect with the power of storytelling and persuasion. Join us on a journey as we unravel the mysteries behind buzzin' buzz. Picture this: You're scrolling through your social media feed when suddenly, a headline grabs your attention. Maybe it's a clever pun, a heartwarming story, or a shocking revelation. Whatever it is, it piques your curiosity and compels you to click, share, and engage. But why? At the heart of it all lies the power of emotions. Messages that evoke strong emotions – whether it's joy, surprise, anger, or awe – are more likely to be shared and remembered. Take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, for example. What started as a simple act of dumping ice water over one's head to raise awareness for ALS quickly snowballed into a global phenomenon. Why? Because it tapped into people's emotions, inspiring them to take action for a cause they cared about. But emotions alone aren't enough. Timing and relevance also play a crucial role in determining whether a message will catch fire. Remember the infamous "Dressgate" phenomenon? The debate over whether a dress was blue and black or white and gold took the internet by storm, dominating conversations for days. What made it so buzzworthy? It was timely, unexpected, and sparked intense debate – all ingredients for viral success. Another key factor is the power of social proof. We're wired to seek validation from others, especially in uncertain situations. That's why we're more likely to share content that others have already endorsed or engaged with. Think of the countless times you've seen friends sharing articles or videos with captions like "This is a must-read!" or "You won't believe what happens next!" It's social proof in action, driving engagement and amplifying the message. But perhaps the most elusive ingredient of all is the element of surprise. Humans are drawn to novelty and unpredictability, craving experiences that challenge their expectations and defy the status quo. Remember the Old Spice "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign? It was bold, irreverent, and utterly unexpected – qualities that made it a viral sensation and redefined the brand's image overnight. So, what can we learn from these examples? In the age of information overload, capturing attention and creating buzz isn't just about shouting the loudest or spending the most money. It's about understanding the psychology of your audience, tapping into their emotions, and delivering messages that resonate on a deeper level. As marketers, it's our job to become masters of the buzz, crafting stories that spark conversation, inspire action, and leave a lasting impression. #marketing #buzz #buzzin #psychology #message #attention

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    324 Follower:innen

    Five Things to Consider before Choosing a Retail Media Network Imagine you're walking through a bustling #marketplace filled with vendors calling out to you, trying to catch your #attention. That's kind of what it's like in today's digital world, where #brands are vying for your attention at every turn. Now, imagine you're a marketer trying to choose the best spot in this crowded marketplace to showcase your brand. It's not easy, right? With so many options available, it can feel like navigating a maze. But fear not! Before you dive headfirst into a partnership with a retail media network, there are five important things you should consider to make sure it's the right fit for your brand. 1. Who's Your #Audience? First things first, you need to know who you're trying to reach. Does your target audience include young adults who love adventure sports, or maybe busy parents looking for quick meal solutions? Look for a network that can help you reach the right people at the right time. 2. Show Me the #Data! In today's digital world, data is king. Make sure the network you choose can provide you with valuable insights into how your campaigns are performing. That way, you can make informed decisions and optimize your campaigns for maximum impact. 3. #Safety First! Protecting your brand's #reputation is crucial. Before you partner with a network, check out their brand safety measures. You want to make sure your ads are appearing in the right places and not next to anything sketchy. 4. Can They Play Well with Others? In the digital world, it's all about being everywhere your #customers are. Look for a network that can seamlessly integrate with other marketing channels like social media and email. That way, you can deliver a consistent message across all touchpoints. 5. Go Big or Go Home! Last but not least, consider the #scale and #reach of the #network. You want to make sure your #campaigns are seen by as many people as possible. Look for a network with a large audience base and a presence across multiple #platforms and channels. In conclusion, choosing the right retail media network is like finding the perfect spot in a crowded marketplace. By considering factors like audience #targeting, #datainsights, #brandsafety, #integrationcapabilities, and scale and reach, you can make sure your brand stands out from the crowd and reaches the right #people at the right time. Happy Marketing! Katja Berchtenbreiter Oliver Brügmann #retailmedia #marketing #targeting #mediabuying #marketingefficiency #transparency Pic by Nathalia Rosa for Unsplash

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    Ever feel like you're trying to grab the attention of customers in a world filled with distractions? It's like herding cats at a catnip convention! – nearly impossible! But we have some buzzin' ideas how to grab your cat's ah customer's attention. #attention #micromoments #cmo #customerexperience

    The Era of Micro-Moments: How Attention Spans Are Killing Traditional Marketing

    The Era of Micro-Moments: How Attention Spans Are Killing Traditional Marketing

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    324 Follower:innen

    🌟✨ Happy World Women's Day! Shine, Girls! Glitter, Ladies!✨🌟 On this special occasion, let's celebrate the incredible #strength, #resilience, and #achievements of women around the world. Today is all about embracing our successes, big and small, and recognizing the unique #power each woman possesses. To every woman making strides in her career, education, family, or community, take a moment to acknowledge your journey. You are accomplishing amazing things, and your efforts deserve to be celebrated. Remember, it's not just about acknowledging the achievements; it's about taking credit for them! You've worked hard, overcome obstacles, and inspired others along the way. Own your success and let your light shine brightly. Empowerment starts from within. Today, let's encourage each other to stand tall, be proud, and radiate positivity. Together, we can create a world where every woman feels confident to celebrate herself, her talents, and her limitless potential. Happy World Women's Day! May your light continue to shine, brightening the path for generations to come. 💪🌐🎉 #ShineGirls #InternationalWomensDay #CelebrateYourself #EmpowerWomen #GirlsRuleTheWorld

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    Cracking the Cookie Challenge! 🍪❌ In the face of cookie deprecation, advertisers, the real battle might be in measurement, not just targeting. Discover the ins and outs in our latest article. #Measurement #CookieDeprecation #DigitalAdvertising #cookieless

    Navigating the Post-Cookie Era: Why Measurement, Not Targeting, Poses a Greater Challenge for Advertisers

    Navigating the Post-Cookie Era: Why Measurement, Not Targeting, Poses a Greater Challenge for Advertisers

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    324 Follower:innen

    Exciting News! Join us at the "Transform" Congress by Bitkom on March 6-7, 2024, at Station Berlin, and be part of the #digital #transformation journey! We are thrilled about the inspiring speeches, engaging conversations, and unparalleled networking opportunities awaiting you. Let's dive into the future of digital transformation together! Meet us there and let's connect! Discover new insights, share ideas, and explore innovative solutions. Don't miss out on this chance to be at the forefront of industry trends. 📅 Event Details: 📍 Station Berlin 🗓 March 6-7, 2024 Connect with our experts: 👥 Oliver Brügmann 👥 Katja Berchtenbreiter Ready to transform your perspective? See you at "Transform"! #TransformCongress #DigitalTransformation #Networking #Innovation #betterbebuzzin #buzz #MarketingTransformation

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    Profil von Katja Berchtenbreiter anzeigen, Grafik

    Managing Partner better be buzzin' GmbH | Ex-Mercedes-Benz | Ex-easyJet | Ex-DHL | Marketing Transformation Consultancy

    The measurability of marketing effectiveness: a wake-up call for agencies In the dynamic world of marketing, where data and analytics set the pace, the measurability of marketing effectiveness is becoming a key concern. But while companies are increasingly investing in marketing agencies, one crucial question often remains unanswered: are clients sufficiently aware of the criteria for success? �� The deceptive fascination of vanity metrics A central point of criticism lies in the fixation on so-called "vanity metrics". Likes, follower numbers and clicks may seem impressive at first glance, but they say little about the actual success of a marketing campaign. Agencies need to educate their clients that true effectiveness requires deeper insights. 📏 The dilemma of measurability Many companies lack an understanding of the complex relationships between marketing activities and business success. This is where agencies need to proactively inform and support their clients. Measurability should not only be based on quantitative criteria, but also on qualitative criteria that reflect the actual impact on the target group. 🤬 Clear communication is key A common omission is communication on the part of agencies. Clients need to be informed not only about which metrics are being measured, but also how these fit into the overall context of the company's success. Clear communication is the key to a successful partnership. 🎓 The role of education and consulting It's time for agencies to act not only as service providers, but also as education and consulting partners. Clients need to understand that measuring marketing effectiveness is an ongoing process that requires adjustments and optimisation. This is the only way to ensure long-term value creation. 👓 An appeal for transparency Transparency should not just be a buzzword, but a guiding principle for agencies. Clients deserve to know how the success of their investment is measured. Only through open and transparent communication can misunderstandings be avoided and trust between agency and client be strengthened. In an era where every marketing budget requires a clear return on investment, it is time for agencies to fulfil their responsibilities. The measurability of marketing effectiveness is not an optional extra, but a key component of successful collaboration. Agencies that fully educate their clients and involve them in the measurement process will not only celebrate short-term successes, but build long-term partnerships. It's time to raise the bar for the marketing industry and prioritise true effectiveness over mere metrics. Better Be Buzzin' Oliver Brügmann  #MarketingEffectiveness #Measurability #Transparency #DigitalMarketing #insightthebuzz #agencies

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