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Questions tagged [reductions]

A reduction is the transformation of one problem into another problem. A example of using a reduction would be to be to show if a problem P is undecidable. This would be achieved by transforming or performing a reduction of a decision problem $P$ into an undecidable problem. If this can be achieved then we have shown that this problem P is undecidable.

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Reduction from any succinct language to tiling

Given a set of colors $T = \{1, \ldots, k\}$, a set of horizontal or vertical rules $H, V \subseteq T \times T$ of ordered pairs, and a chosen color $b = 1$, the tiling language is defined as follows: ...
Eleonora's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to prove that a problem is not smoothed-polynomial?

Many research works use Smoothed analysis to prove that some NP-hard problems can actually be solved efficiently in typical cases. A different notion with a similar goal is Generic-case complexity. ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Is a problem, that is $L$-complete under non-uniform $AC^0$ reductions, necessarily outside of (non-uniform or uniform) $NC^1$?

I don't have much intuition about non-uniformity so the question may be quite naive.
A. G.'s user avatar
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Natural reduction from partially observable Markov decision process planning to reconfiguration

Suppose I want to prove the PSPACE-completeness of reconfiguration by reducing partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) planning to it. Is there a known natural / succinct reduction from ...
delete000's user avatar
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Is this kind of "multi-reduction" interesting?

Given a decision problem $P$, the usual way to show that it is NP-hard is to find a known NP-hard problem $Q$, and show a polynomial-time algorithm that transforms every instance $I_Q$ of $Q$ to an ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
-4 votes
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Can you find a counterexample / disprove my P=NP solution?

I've posted the full article here. The source code is available here. Basically, in the Linear Programming (LP) task, we solve a system of inequalities: one inequality per BSAT clause. In each ...
Serge Rogatch's user avatar
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This is a variant of the unsolved problem of $a^6+b^6+c^6≠d^6+e^6+f^6$, for distinct primes. Does it have any significance for Exact Three Cover?

Suppose, I'm solving Exact 3 Cover, given a list with no duplicates $S$ of $3m$ whole numbers and a collection $C$ of subsets of $S$, each containing exactly three elements. The goal is to decide if ...
The T's user avatar
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Why is the model-checking problem for MSO $\textsf{PSPACE}$-complete?

I am currently reading "Parameterized Complexity Theory" by J. Flum and M. Grohe. In Chapter 10.3 they state in the first paragraph: Let us remind the reader that the model-checking problem ...
user11718766's user avatar
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Reductions That Acts on Witnesses

We say that a language $X$ is polynomial time reducible to $Y$, intuitively, if given an algorithm for solving $Y$, there's an algorithm for solving $X$. I know this can be formalized using Karp ...
Boran Erol's user avatar
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2 answers

strong NP-completeness of multi-dimensional Equal-Subset-Sum

I want to show that the multi-dimensional Equal-Subset-Sum is NP-complete in the strong sense: Given a set of $d$-dimensional vectors of non-negative integers, does there exist two distinct nonempty ...
caduk's user avatar
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converting K-SAT clause to a p-in-L-SAT equation

Given a generic K-SAT instance $S$ with $n$ boolean variables. Is it possible to convert a clause of this instance into an equivalent p-in-L SAT system of equations such that the number of new clauses ...
TheoryQuest1's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is Optimal Swap Sorting NP-Hard?

Given an array of integers with duplicates, find the minimum number of swaps to sort the array. According to this question, the problem is NP-Complete but the reference given proves NP-Completeness ...
Daniel García's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Proving #P-hardness for the number of subsets of a set of positive integers with a sum of at most T?

Consider the given problem: you have a set S of positive integers, and you want to find how many subsets have a sum of at most T. I highly suspect that the problem is hard since a polynomial time ...
Daniel García's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Set Cover with Multiple covers

I am interested in whether a set cover instance that covers all elements $q$ times may have the property that every sufficiently small subset of this set cover will not cover the elements even once. ...
John's user avatar
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Complexity of Identifying SAT Problems with a Unique Solution from Satisfiable Instances

I am curious about the computational complexity involved in identifying SAT problems that have only one solution from a set of satisfiable SAT instances. input and output: input: A satisfiable cnf ...
Jxb's user avatar
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