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Questions tagged [cc.complexity-theory]

P versus NP and other resource-bounded computation.

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Can a RAM machine with polynomial memory be simulated by a multi-tape Turing machine without extra time or space costs?

It is known that many-tape Turing machines can be simulated by a one tape Turing machine with extra runtime costs. Furthermore, a single-tape Turing machine with a larger alphabet can be simulated by ...
BooleanBoy18's user avatar
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Big O of evaluating expression under RAM model

I have a CS theory problem and want to figure out the Big O of my algorithm. Let n be the input size. In the algorithm, I pre-process up to n expressions and these expressions grow in length (i.e. ...
BooleanBoy18's user avatar
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Clause Density for guaranteed Easy (2, 3) SAT Cases

It is known that its NP-Complete to decide the satisfiability of 3-SAT instances in which every variable occurs four times. Now given a (2, 3)-SAT instance where each clause has length 2 or 3. ...
TheoryQuest1's user avatar
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Solving #SAT through TQBF

I'm not extremely proficient with counting complexity classes, but since #SAT is #P-complete, its decision version, let's call it #SAT(D) (is the number of solutions less than some $k$), is in PSPACE. ...
Nicola Gigante's user avatar
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Complexity of 2-coloring with extra constraints

I am considering the following problem: Given a graph $G=(V,E)$ with $|V|=4n$ vertices, can we color the vertices in two colors (red and blue) with The usual constraint that two vertices connected by ...
Jun_Gitef17's user avatar
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EXPSPACE-complete optimization problems

This is similar to this question but specifically for optimization problems. Which are some optimization problems that (have corresponding decision problems that) are EXPSPACE-complete?
Nicola Gigante's user avatar
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Use of transitive closure in proof of NC hierarchy collapse

Im looking at the proof of $NC^{i} = NC^{i+1} \implies NC = NC^i,\,i\geq 1$ in page 10 of the following article: I understand the general idea ...
Hlkwtz's user avatar
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Complexity of minimizing the index of a subgroup of the free group

Let $\Sigma$ be a finite alphabet and $G$ the free group generated by $\Sigma$. Let $W$ be a finite subset of $G$. (Represented as a list of formal expressions of the form $a_1^{\pm 1}\ldots a_n^{\pm ...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Hardness of the Metric TSP for the Maximum Metric

I know that it is not too difficult to construct a metric to show that the metric TSP is NP-hard. The typical example is (1,2)-TSP. I also know that Papadimitriou has shown that Euclidean TSP is NP-...
jfriemel's user avatar
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On the Relationship Between Graph Isomorphism and Equivalence in ETL Workflow Dependency Graphs

Let $G = (V, E)$ and $G' = (V', E')$ be two DAGs representing dependency graphs of ETL workflows. Each node $v \in V$ (or $v' \in V'$) represents a task, which is a tuple $t_v = (q_v, d_v, s_v)$, ...
Zoom's user avatar
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On the power of QMA(2)

I searched for references. But I could not find any. Is $EXP\subseteq QMA(2)$ known?
user72910's user avatar
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Efficient algorithm to construct simple polygon from non-crossing orthogonal line segments

Given a set of $N$ non-crossing orthogonal (vertical and horizontal) line segments on the plane, is there an efficient algorithm to construct a simple orthogonal polygon that passes through all given ...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
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How to prove that a problem is not smoothed-polynomial?

Many research works use Smoothed analysis to prove that some NP-hard problems can actually be solved efficiently in typical cases. A different notion with a similar goal is Generic-case complexity. ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Where does a problem lie which is NP-hard but not QMA-hard?

I saw this complexity classes diagram in this quantum computing paper in NATURE. Based on the standard assumption of $P\neq NP\neq QMA$, they also seem to have related the NP-hard and QMA-hard ...
Manish Kumar's user avatar
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Evidence extended GCD is in $TC^0$

Despite centuries of search extended $GCD$ is known to accommodate one algorithm which is the Euclidean algorithm (the solution through Integer Linear Programming which needs basis reduction goes ...
Turbo's user avatar
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