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Questions tagged [quantum-computing]

A computation model which relies on quantum-mechanic phenomena, such as entanglement and superposition. This generalizes the probabilistic model of computation.

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Spontaneous parametric down-conversion [closed]

we generate heralded single pho- tons via spontaneous parametric downconversion using a 5 mm long periodically-poled potassium titanyl phosphate (ppKTP) crystal pumped with a 405 nm diode laser (200 ...
Rasha rashed's user avatar
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How Does Prime Factorization Break ECDSA?

I have heard that ECDSA will be broken in the not-to-distant future (roughly 15-25 years) by Quantum Computers running Shor's Algorithm. However, to my understanding, the only purpose of Shor's ...
Alexander Pellegrino's user avatar
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Is there a notion of "computational security" in quantum cryptography?

In classical cryptography, security proofs are often based on the (assumed) computational hardness of some mathematical problem. Using the principles of quantum mechanics might provide means to design ...
jgerrit's user avatar
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Quantum Cryptography Algorithms Implementations

The Post Quantum Cryptography is a type of cryptography that lies on physics properties instead of mathematics , it has many algorithms and implementations like NTRU , McEliece , SIDH ... etc But ...
Karam Mohamed's user avatar
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Post-Quantum cryptography usability in IoT devices

My question is very simple. Can I use Post-Quantum encryption/decryption algorithms in IoT devices such as RaspberryPi, Arduino etc, or should the hardware infrastructure obey in quantum logic?
someone's user avatar
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How does IBM's 53-bit quantum computer compare to classical ones for cryptanalytic tasks?

IBM just announced "a new 53-qubit quantum computer". How does it compare to classical computers, performance-wise, for cryptanalytic tasks? E.g. finding a 48- or 64-bit value whose SHA-256 has a ...
fgrieu's user avatar
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How Will Quantum Computing Change Cryptography's Future? [closed]

Quantum computing is at the intersection of math, physics, and computer science. It seems so complicated that only large organizations could build such algorithms and have their own quantum computing ...
R1w's user avatar
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current state of 3-SAT problem?

In this paper, a quantum algorithm to solve the 3-SAT problem in linear time is presented. Is it true? Did the author make a mistake? What state-of-the-art algorithms exist for this problem?
OneUser's user avatar
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Is using quantum computing to break passwords non-sense?

I understand the concept of 'trying all possibilities at once' but can anyone explain this with respect to the fact that my PC only accepts one password at a time? There's no input field that accepts ...
Niels's user avatar
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What is Quantum Cryptography?

When it comes to exchanging secure information over an insecure channel, this approach is considered. It all depends on the nature of photons in which the third polarization is focused. It can easily ...
R1w's user avatar
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Can quantum computers put computer security in jeopardy?

There are many articles about quantum computers describing how powerful they are in computing and that they can solve very complicated equations in a short time. One of the biggest security measures ...
R1w's user avatar
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Fewest qubits required for the discrete logarithm problem and integer factorization

According to a paper from 2002, the most efficient circuit to factor an $n$-bit integer requires $2n+3$ qubits and $O(n^{3}\lg(n))$ elementary quantum gates, assuming ideal qubits. Later on, according ...
forest's user avatar
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Can or can not D-Wave's quantum computers use Shor's and Grover's Algorithm to find encryption keys? Why?

I read that a company called D-Wave Systems has and is manufacturing quantum computers of 128 qubits. Can they or can they not use Shor's and Grover's algorithms for finding RSA-keys? If they can't ...
user128226's user avatar

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