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Are there any full alternatives to RSA that are quantum-resistant

By full alternatives I mean things that can do everything RSA can, namely establish secure security without privately sharing information prior. Something which AES can't do. In other words, I'm ...
blademan9999's user avatar
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Can Quantum Computers crack RSA and AES?

Im trying to learn more about cryptography and ran into a post, Is AES-128 quantum safe?, which asks if AES-128 is safe. From the articles and replies it seems that AES-128 (symmetric key) is safe ...
cryptoman534345's user avatar
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Factoring 2048-bit integer with quantum computer?

In this paper, there is a statement in the abstract: Our construction uses $3n + 0.002n \log(n)$ logical qubits, $0.3n^3 + 0.0005n ^3\log(n)$ Toffolis, and $500n^2 +n^2 \log(n)$ measurement depth to ...
NB_1907's user avatar
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What are the misconceptions of IBM's CEO Arvind Krishna talk on the "Axios on HBO" about the quantum computing

IBM CEO Arvind made a talk in HBO's Axios program. It seems that there are misconceptions/misleading/flaws in reasoning etc. What are those! Some of the details of the speech is given as; IBM says ...
kelalaka's user avatar
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How Does Prime Factorization Break ECDSA?

I have heard that ECDSA will be broken in the not-to-distant future (roughly 15-25 years) by Quantum Computers running Shor's Algorithm. However, to my understanding, the only purpose of Shor's ...
Alexander Pellegrino's user avatar
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Can or can not D-Wave's quantum computers use Shor's and Grover's Algorithm to find encryption keys? Why?

I read that a company called D-Wave Systems has and is manufacturing quantum computers of 128 qubits. Can they or can they not use Shor's and Grover's algorithms for finding RSA-keys? If they can't ...
user128226's user avatar