​We are researchers, designers, and educators at the Harvard Graduate School of Education who are passionate about learning and teaching in PK–12 computing education. To be a part of our creative collective, join us as a degree program student, take one of our courses, connect with us via social media, or send us a message via email.

Faculty Director
Postdoctoral Fellow
Doctoral Student
Research Associate
Research Assistant
Jack Mann
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Saba Amirali
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Veronica Ellis
Research Assistant

An incredible number of people have contributed to the ideas, projects, and research of the Creative Computing Lab over the past ten years. Our work would not have been possible without the joy, imagination, and commitment of these CCL alumni:

Aaron Lee Morris
Adrian Melia
AL Liou
Alex Schoenfeld
Alexa Kutler
Ali Blake
Amanda Valverde
Amy Zhou
Andrew Bennett
Anushka Paul
Ashley Lee
Ben Wheeler
Bennett Nestok
Biswajit Boity
Carlos León
Carter Zenke
Cathleen Kong
Charlotte Dungan
Chen Chen
Chris Buttimer
Christan Balch
David Sall
Denise Fabella
Elizabeth Walbridge
Elizabeth Woodbury
Emily Hong
Emily Veno
Eric Schilling
Eyad Fallatah
Galen McQuillen
Gracie Elqura
Greg Mittleider
Hannah Boston
Hannah Fidoten
Helen Poldsam
Ingrid Gustafson
Jane Kang
Jasmyne Roberts
Jayne Everson
Jeanne Wellings
Jen Lavalle
Jenny Kostka
Jess Eng
Jessica Cai
Jesus Gomez
Jhenna Voorhis
Joe Prempeh
Josh Archibald
Josh Tappan
Judy Nguyen
Karan Hallon
Katherine McConachie
Katie MacDonald
Kelly Whitney
Krista Shapton
Laura Johnson
Laura Peters
Laura Zhang
Lillian Liu
Linda Qian
Maheen Sahoo
Mary Adelaide Williamson
Mary Jo Madda
Matthew Ong
Max Yurkofsky
Maxwell Bigman
Medha Narayanan
Melissa Gedney
Michelle Choi
Mydhili Bayyapunedi
Mylo Lam
Patrick McGuire
Pei Pei Liu
Peter Nguyen
Plub Limpiti
Raquel Jimenez
Robyn Bykofsky
Rosh Razavi
Sam Sadeh
Samantha Bissonnette
Sara Smolevitz
Sarah Blum-Smith
Sarah Sun
Saskia Leggett
Soo Jung Roh
Talya St. Clair
Tania Shevchenko
Tim Johnson
Tracy Elizabeth
Tsz Yan Lee
Vanessa Gennarelli
Vanity Gee
Varsha Venkatasubramanian
Veronica Ellis
Vivian Chang
Wilhelmina Peragine
Woojin Kim
Yumeng Chen