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Questions tagged [physics]

Physics is a science that studies the interactions of energy and matter. The physics tag should be used for questions about how physics can be simulated or implemented in programming.

2 votes
1 answer

How can I make my force calculations better?

I am making a simple physics solver (haven't gotten to collision resolution or detection yet, just finished making it mt'ed), and when I apply forces through "W", "A", "S"...
misInformationSpreader's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Temperature of a Lennard-Jones system

Are the formulas used in getTemperature() and setTemperature() correct? ...
user366312's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Minimalistic implementation of Leapfrog integration algorithm (2)

Please review this C++ listing of an implementation of Leapfrog integration. This C++ listing is rewritten according to this review. ...
user366312's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Molecular simulation: Minimum Image Convention

Can you review the following code to check to see if the Minimum Image Convention is properly implemented? ...
user366312's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Improving execution time of physics, data acquisition triggering system simulation

Background I'm attempting to write a physics simulation code, one portion of which involves simulating the triggering system of some equipment. The equipment works as follows: environmental noise (...
MomentumEigenstate's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Means square displacement (MSD)

I have written a code to calculate the MSD of some molecules. The code averages over multiple time origins (sliding time window) and over all the molecules. I have also made it do one extra thing: do ...
mjksho's user avatar
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1 answer

Simulation of a real capacitor to calculate its capacitance

The goal is to simulate a real flat plate capacitor in 2D. The potential of the armature is fixed to +V and -V, on the edges of the simulation cell the potential is zero. Between the plates of the ...
Pietro Scapolo's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Planetary simulation in python

I have created a program in python that calculates forces between bodies (i.e earth, moon and a hypothetical moon) and make them move according to the changes in velocity and forces. This is the code ...
Hale's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Calculating the energy of the harmonic oscillator using a Monte Carlo method

The problem The partition function for the quantum harmonic oscillator can be written in the path integral formulation as $$Z\propto\int Dx(\tau)\exp\left(-\frac{S_E}{\hbar}\right)=\int Dx(\tau)\exp\...
My Code is a Flying Circus's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Monte Carlo simulation for the harmonic oscillator

Is there any improvement that can be made to the following code, written to simulate the harmonic oscillator in the path integral formulation with Monte Carlo methods? ...
My Code is a Flying Circus's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Membrane protein diffusion in different confinement models

I am a junior Software Engineer, C++ is usually my main jam but I started picking up Python for a research project I am doing in college. I am eager to learn as much Python syntax, tricks, best ...
hexaquark's user avatar
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Plot of massless particles on the unstable null circular geodesic

My friend and I were trying to reproduce Figure 4(left), page 7, from the paper "Probing phase structure of black holes with Lyapunov exponents", Guo 2022. We succeeded in reproducing the ...
codebpr's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Solving the TDoA multilateration problem in 3-dimensions

Background. I've written an algorithm to solve the Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) multilateration problem in 3-dimensions. That is, given the known coordinates of ...
10GeV's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

VBA functions to calculate sun and moon positions

I have the following VBA code (across three modules) to make UDFs to calculate sun & moon position data. The issue I'm facing is that they are very slow to run as I have over 6000 rows (over 10 ...
hidp123's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Predict bouncing ball destination in JavaScript

In a Pong-style 2D game, a ball (a circle of radius BALLRADIUS) can bounce (with perfect elasticity) on the top or bottom of the screen. When it hits the left or right side of the screen, one of the ...
Stuart's user avatar
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