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Questions tagged [monogame]

MonoGame is an Open Source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4 Framework. Our goal is to allow XNA developers on Xbox 360, Windows & Windows Phone to port their games to the iOS, Android, Mac OS X, Linux and Windows 8 Metro. PlayStation Mobile, Raspberry PI, and PlayStation 4 platforms are currently in progress.

6 votes
3 answers

Intersecting rectangles on a torus

Description Imagine a space like the arcade game Asteroids where everything wraps around right to left and bottom to top - effectively coordinates on a flat torus. The diagram shows an example of two ...
FreddyFlares's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

String Mutator performance

I've made a very basic wrapper over a String that offers mutability in place (context: mono/XNA, budget is about 11ms per frame, 0B (ZERO, NIL, НОЛЬ, NADA) allocations hard requirement). Before that I'...
Izukai's user avatar
  • 21
3 votes
1 answer

Creating a simple event message passing system in C# for a rudimentary 2d sprite game

I am currently experimenting a bit with C# and as a way of learning I am making a very simple 2D game (asteroids-ish). I am using the monogame framework and the general plan of attack was to have all ...
kiooikml's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Simple dungeon generator

I made a simple dungeon generator in C# using MonoGame that works by placing rooms in a grid and connecting them via "tunnels". I would like feedback on how this could be improved in terms of ...
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4 votes
0 answers

A config file handler I made for a game with Monogame

The reason I used fields instead of automatic properties is because I am using tryparse which can not use properties... I know the Title setting could have been an automatic property but I decided to ...
Whackatoe's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

A Tic-Tac-Toe game in MonoGame

I've started learning MonoGame and C# lately, so in order to get more confident with both and do something not completely trivial, I've built a Naughts and Crosses game. I am using 7.1 version of C# (...
Yuval K's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Analog watch simulation

I wrote an analog watch simulation in C# and Monogame as exercise. The application consists of a background texture. On top of that I have the hour-, minute- and second hand. The program gets its ...
Gustaf's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

3 dimensional list supporting negative indices

I'm trying to keep a list of (Minecraft style) blocks in 3D space. The world loads at the origin (0, 0, 0) and blocks may be added in any direction including at negative indices. In order to support ...
Underscore's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Unit Testing Input Class in Monogame

I'm new to unit testing, and to learn, I've decided to "contribute" to Monogame to help with their testing efforts. The issue at hand is to test the input device classes. I've started with the GamePad ...
Corey Thompson's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Event delays for a Monogame project

I am making a GUI for my C# Monogame project. So since this was the first time I ever made a GUI that is not winforms-based I took a wrong approach in making it and thus I decided to change it ...
Johny P.'s user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Creating a pop-up dialog - follow-up

Link to the previous question, before refactoring. I've decided to make this module of a dialog, sort of like talking to NPCs in games, like this for example. I've creating the visuals of the window ...
Giora Guttsait's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Creating pop up dialog window

I've decided to make this module of a dialog, sort of like talking to NPCs in games, like this for example. I've creating the visuals of the window using the code from this post, works pretty well. ...
Giora Guttsait's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Creating items in a game

I've created some base classes for items, and I want to know how maintainable or expandable the method seems. ...
Giora Guttsait's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Ability System in my game

I'm writing a game in C# Monogame, and I've decided to make my project as modular as possible. GitHub At first, I've had a single project with a folder that's separated inside to other folders ...
Giora Guttsait's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Smoke particle system

Please note that I'm working on a game on Windows Phone 8 using Monogame. The game is fine (60 FPS) all the time, except when the particle system is activated. This is just a smoke particle system ...
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