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Questions tagged [macos]

macOS (formerly known as OS X or Mac OS X) is the desktop operating system from Apple, found on Macintosh computers.

3 votes
1 answer

SSH autokiller for connections from other systems

I was messing around with ssh and decided to write a python program that scans for any connections that aren't from the system, then terminates them. It works well ...
Linny's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Java program that relaunches itself in OS's terminal application

I wrote a Java program that when its executable .jar is opened manually, it re-opens itself inside the operating system's shell console. The purpose of this is to have a C#-style console application ...
potato's user avatar
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2 answers

Drawing graphics and text using macOS Core Graphics

I have a small python project, which draws graphics and text onto a graphics context using MacOS's Core Graphics APIs. The idea is to make it easy for the user to write a few short lines, in order to ...
benwiggy's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Mac Bash: how to combine the open and str subtract to one line code? [closed]

new to bash , I use the following code to open the super folder with a file path. function openUp(){ cd $(echo $1 | sed 's@\(.*\)/.*@\1@' ); open .. } like ...
black_pearl's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Reporting new USB storage devices on Linux and macOS with Python

Synopsis: I wanted something for macOS (and Linux; maybe eventually Windows) that would simply wait for the user to connect a storage device and automatically select, or otherwise output the ...
voices's user avatar
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Alt-Coin Wallet QT Project for Mac OS-X

I was told my QT Project file is a hot mess. I'm returning to C++ after many years of doing Java and I'm really new to QT. I would like someone familiar with QT Project files to give my code a once ...
David Whitehurst's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

File path unified in Windows/MacOS/Linux

We are all tremendously happy about back slashes in Windows file systems and do not think that their sole purpose is to make life complicated for smart people who are capable of using different OS. ...
Dmitry Nogin's user avatar
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appleseed command line widget (CLW)

─── appleseed on GitHub appleseed v1.0.0 is a command line widget (CLW), I designed for macOS and iTerm2. Its a flexible platform for process automation and added eye candy. It utilizes ...
Matt's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Check SMART status on MacOS and pop up alert

So I don't know much about bash scripting. I am just a beginner. I made this script which checks the SMART status of my root volume and if it is failing then it immediately throws a pop up alert if ...
Doe's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Password string generation

I'm trying to create passwords using the following snippet to match a custom password policy. I've added three gtr statements, at the end of the string, to ...
TheAuzzieJesus's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

A C++ wrapper for Apple CoreFoundation

The wrapper makes it easy to manage memory when using CoreFoundation objects. It aims to act like a simple shared_ptr. Here is a usage example: ...
Ben-Uri's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Spoofs MAC Address to manufacturer of user's choice, Linux or MacOS

I've made a BASh script for Linux/MacOS that allows you to search for a MAC manufacturer and then generates a MAC address from that company and then spoofs it to that using ...
anonymous's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Script to temporarily drop admin privileges

Description The aim of my project is to allow administrators to drop privileges for reasons of self-control. Currently, it works only on MacOS Sierra but the concept should be extensible to any Unix ...
Miheer's user avatar
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Find MIDI devices with certain names and make them usable

I'm working on a Swift app for macOS, where I take input from MIDI devices and transform that input. The MIDI devices being supported come in for flavors. What my code does is scan for MIDI devices, ...
Wesley Peeters's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Create and open a file to take lecture notes depending on day and time

I am just wondering what, if any, more elegant ways might exist to write a script to accomplish the task that the script below accomplishes. The script works, so I don't need it to be debugged, but I ...
dlk0606's user avatar
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