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Questions tagged [macos]

macOS (formerly known as OS X or Mac OS X) is the desktop operating system from Apple, found on Macintosh computers.

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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appleseed command line widget (CLW)

─── appleseed on GitHub appleseed v1.0.0 is a command line widget (CLW), I designed for macOS and iTerm2. Its a flexible platform for process automation and added eye candy. It utilizes ...
Matt's user avatar
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Bash manual page selection menu (version 2)

This is update to a previously asked question Bash manual page selection menu. This script generates a menu for the user to select which manual page he/she would like to read. ...
I0_ol's user avatar
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Multiple View Controllers in a Single Window (Swift on OS X)

As an exercise I want to have a single window application (in Swift on Mac OS X) with 4 views, each controlled by an independent view controller and have their own XIB file. I have working code, but I ...
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bash script to delete files resurrected by Adobe InDesign bug

After a March update, Adobe Indesign will resurrect removed directories it was responsible for creating in the first place, but not any files except for one file called "AdobeFnt.lst". So where once ...
John Quirk's user avatar
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Bash script to scp specific, most-recent files from remote server

I'm writing a helper script that I wish to be able to share with my co-workers. We all work using macOS Mojave, but all have their own shell configurations. For example, I actually use ZSH and bash 5....
dylanjm's user avatar
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Auto re-connecting to a VPN on OS X and pointing Squid accordingly

We need to tunnel certain applications over a VPN at work. Ideally we would use a dedicated firewall/network appliance for this but the only permanent infrastructure we have are Mac Pro's running ...
Al Longley's user avatar
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Find MIDI devices with certain names and make them usable

I'm working on a Swift app for macOS, where I take input from MIDI devices and transform that input. The MIDI devices being supported come in for flavors. What my code does is scan for MIDI devices, ...
Wesley Peeters's user avatar
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Alt-Coin Wallet QT Project for Mac OS-X

I was told my QT Project file is a hot mess. I'm returning to C++ after many years of doing Java and I'm really new to QT. I would like someone familiar with QT Project files to give my code a once ...
David Whitehurst's user avatar