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noodle person's user avatar
noodle person
  • Member for 2 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
12 votes

Shortest digid-app GetPercentageRounds function

11 votes

Convert binary to unary

11 votes

Half even rounding

10 votes

Implement a simple stack language

10 votes

Segments of a string, doubling in length

9 votes

Golf Transmission

7 votes

Output / Convert to unary number

7 votes

Add two really big numbers

7 votes

Generate an emoticon

7 votes

Summing the Digits of a Number

6 votes

Draw a Gameboy Tile

6 votes

Shortest digid-app GetPercentageRounds function

6 votes

The Jaccard Index

6 votes

Compare Two Fractions With ASCII Art

6 votes

Output endless powers of 2

5 votes

The vanilla factorial challenge

5 votes

Straight pen strokes for Prime Numbers

5 votes

"Candy Crush" a string

5 votes

Find the largest sum of any contiguous subarray of the array

5 votes

American odds to probabilities

5 votes

Shortest English prompt to produce LLM falsehood

5 votes

Golf you a quine for great good!

5 votes

Rudin-Shapiro sequence

5 votes

Write a Web server quine

5 votes


5 votes

Calculate sum of self-exponentation

5 votes

Calculate 500 digits of e

5 votes

Horsey sightseeing

5 votes

Modular Equivalence

5 votes

Is it a tetrate of two?

2 3 4 5