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Questions tagged [roman-numerals]

This tag indicates that the challenge involves Roman numerals

7 votes
3 answers

Relaxing Romans

The Roman numeral for 499 is usually given as CDXCIX which breaks down as CD + XC + IX = 400 + 90 + 9 where numerals like ...
doubleunary's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Write the date in abbreviated Latin

Inspired by How do you write dates in Latin? Challenge Given a month-and-day date, output that date in abbreviated Latin, as explained below. Input Input is flexible, following conventions from other ...
Stef's user avatar
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-3 votes
7 answers

Straight pen strokes for Prime Numbers

Challenge You are supposed to output the series I recently designed which goes as follows which are pen stroke counts of ascending prime numbers: ...
Aitzaz Imtiaz's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Not-Roman-Numeral Addition

Write the shortest program or function that mimics the addition in this XKCD strip: Input Two positive decimal integers containing only the digits 150. Output The ...
bigyihsuan's user avatar
  • 10.2k
18 votes
9 answers

ro1000an nu1000era50 en100o501ng

In the hovertext of this xkcd: There's an "encoding" based on replacing runs of roman numerals with their sums. To do this: Find all runs of at least 1 roman numeral (...
emanresu A's user avatar
  • 39.2k
19 votes
19 answers

How long is it in Roman

Or Fix American Kennel Club's database As covered by the recent video by Matt Parker, the American Kennel Club permits thirty-seven (37) dogs of each breed to be assigned the same name (source), ...
pajonk's user avatar
  • 17.2k
12 votes
4 answers

Find an autogram using roman numerals

This task builds on: Find all reflexicons using roman numerals An autogram is a sentence that lists the count of its own letters. Below is one of the first documented autograms found by Lee Sallows in ...
adrianton3's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

Find all reflexicons using roman numerals

A reflexicon is a self-descriptive word list that describes its own letter counts. Take for example the one found by Ed Miller in 1985 in English: Sixteen e’s, six f’s, one g, three h’s, nine i’s, ...
adrianton3's user avatar
22 votes
12 answers

Roman Numeral-like Code Generator

Background Roman numeral is a simple number system with the following properties: Each symbol in the system maps to a specific value. (e.g. ...
Wezl's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

Roman Numeral Counting

Roman numerals can be (mostly) written in a one column format, because each letter intersects the top and the bottom of the line. For example: I, or 1 intersects ...
tuskiomi's user avatar
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19 votes
15 answers

Match Roman Numerals

Challenge Given some input string, return a truthy value if it represents a correct roman numeral between 1 (=I) and 3999 (=...
flawr's user avatar
  • 43.9k
20 votes
4 answers

When in Rome, Count as Romans do?

Background This challenge is inspired by this website, which published the following diagram: This diagram shows us that the longest Roman Numeral expression under 250 is that of 188, which requires ...
Rushabh Mehta's user avatar
30 votes
29 answers

Those Greedy Romans!

Given a strictly positive integer, return the shortest possible Roman numeral using only the additive rule. Output must consist of zero or more of each of the characters ...
Adám's user avatar
  • 30.6k
22 votes
7 answers

Look-and-say sequence: roman numerals edition

Challenge description We've had a few challenges involving the Look-and-say sequence. Quick reminder: The sequence starts with 1, Subsequent terms of this ...
shooqie's user avatar
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18 votes
10 answers

Integer goes back and forth through time

Input: An integer. Output: First convert the integer to it's equivalent Roman Numeral. Then convert each capital letter of that Roman Numeral to their ASCII/UNICODE decimal value. And output the ...
Kevin Cruijssen's user avatar

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