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Aaroneous Miller's user avatar
Aaroneous Miller's user avatar
Aaroneous Miller's user avatar
Aaroneous Miller
  • Member for 3 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
41 votes

Interpret brainfuck

28 votes

Turing-Complete Language Interpreter

26 votes

1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz

24 votes

xkcd 2385 KoTH (Final Exam)

23 votes

A "cheating" quine

21 votes

Write a Whitespace Interpreter

15 votes

Shortest Game of Life

13 votes

Swap every two elements in a list

11 votes

Flatten the CUBE

10 votes

Parentheses Clusters

9 votes

Make a polyglot generator

8 votes

DON'T... do NOT lowercase UPPERCASE this!

8 votes

Inject arbitrary code into a compiler (cops)

7 votes

DON'T... do NOT lowercase UPPERCASE this!

6 votes

Create and write to a file

6 votes

Print 0 to 100 without 1-9 characters

5 votes

Close neighbours stick together

5 votes

Calculate a square and a square root!

5 votes

A prime test that's LITERALLY prime

5 votes


5 votes

The vanilla factorial challenge

5 votes

Which character to change (Robbers)

5 votes

Which character to change (Cops)

5 votes


5 votes

Joe Mama or Joe Biden

4 votes

Guess my password (cops' thread)

4 votes

Implement a Truth-Machine

4 votes

Print X without X (robber's thread)

4 votes

Tips for Golfing in Vyxal

4 votes

Print X without X (robber's thread)

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