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Questions tagged [javascript]

This challenge is related to the JavaScript language. Note that challenges that require the answers to be in a specific language are generally discouraged.

0 votes
0 answers

Shortest Float32Array to Int32Array conversion for audio processing

I'm currently converting a Float32Array to an Int32Array for input to a real-time audio raw PCM to MP3 recording application. <...
guest271314's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Point-free JavaScript: write a function runner

In this programming-puzzle, your goal is to write the following function in JavaScript, using (essentially) point-free (tacit) programming: (f) => void(f()) ...
Rydwolf Programs's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Comparator function in Javascript [closed]

Need to write a JS function compare(a,b) for numbers which return 1 when a > b, 0 when a == b, -1 when a < b. Also following properties should hold: compare(NaN, NaN) = 0 NaN is bigger than any ...
Ihromant's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Crazyhouse chess KoTH

What is Crazyhouse Chess? Crazyhouse Chess is a chess variant that is basically normal chess except you can place a piece you previously captured back on the board instead of a regular turn. Bot ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Golf my variables (and code)!

Specifically, this references JavaScript, a programming language that happens to be one you can run on StackExchange/StackOverflow. However, you may use any programming language to do this challenge. ...
Infigon's user avatar
  • 573
5 votes
3 answers

Tips for shortening this type-safe addition in JavaScript

Consider: c=(a,b)=>(+a||0)+(+b||0) Yes, it is not good to solve it like that. But I want to shorten it even more. If a is a ...
Felix Schönherr's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Can `a?b<c:b>c` be shortened in Javascript?

So I have the situation where I have one boolean value a and, if that one is true and b<c ...
Julian Wagner's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Shortest way to coerce to array

Given a variable a (non array) or (any[]) convert to (any[]) function example(s: string | string[]) { const e = Array.isArray(s) ? s: [s] return e } Is ...
ThomasReggi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Tips for parsing Standard Input in JavaScript

I've been doing quite a few code golf recently and I realised that a lot of times, I have to do something involving list. Most of the times lists are space-separated or comma-separated values in the ...
CreaZyp154's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Tron Light-Cycle KotH

Basically the tron light-cycle game as a king of the hill competition! Leaderboard Updated as of 2022-04-05 ...
thesilican's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

Chess Squad March

Find the moves that bring a chess squad to a given destination. You control a chess squad consisting of a king and several other pieces, on a larger chess board. Your army is placed so that no piece ...
Valentin Brasso's user avatar
18 votes
14 answers

King of the Hill: Nose Poker - An ogre game for ogres

Links Chat room The official game report Github repo - In case of bugs to report Here's the official score table: ...
AJFaraday's user avatar
  • 11.8k
9 votes
3 answers

Turn-based RPS Poker

This is a two-player card game which resembles a vastly simplified game of Texas Hold'em, combined with RPS (rock-paper-scissors) and the most basic mechanic of commercial turn-based card games. The ...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 77.5k
4 votes
7 answers

Time bomb (KoTH) [duplicate]

In this challenge, players need to tamper with a time bomb as late as possible without getting blasted in the face. Mechanics Let N be the number of bots plus one. ...
leo3065's user avatar
  • 477
96 votes
63 answers

xkcd 2385 KoTH (Final Exam)

Results are now out here! Congratulations offset prediction for winning the challenge! Don't worry if you missed out, the controller code as well as all the bots that competed are all in the Github ...
EnderShadow8's user avatar
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