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Questions tagged [restricted-source]

Imposes a restriction on the source code used to solve the challenge, for example, having no numbers in the source code.

3 votes
9 answers

nimi ale lon toki pona! (Every word in Toki Pona!)

"nimi ale lon toki pona" is a song by YouTuber jan Misali which lists 137 common words in the constructed language Toki Pona. This challenge is not a duplicate of "How high can you ...
3-1-4-One-Five's user avatar
0 votes
15 answers

Smallest integer \$n\$ such that \$\frac{\sqrt{\log_2{n}}}{(\log_2 {\log_2 n})^2} > 1\$

Write code that outputs the smallest integer \$n > 5\$ such that \$\frac{\sqrt{\log_2{n}}}{(\log_2 {\log_2 n})^2} > 1\$. Your code may have at most one digit in its source code. You can use ...
Simd's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Literate Programming in Base 26

Your task is to convert non-empty strings - between strings using the 26 letters, and programs, which are strings of bytes, where each byte has 256 possible values. You should use the same codepage ...
Command Master's user avatar
5 votes
9 answers

Print the banned characters based on the most common characters

This is an answer-chaining post, so in this challenge every answer (except the first answer) depends on the previous answer. The goal of this challenge is to output the restricted characters. The ...
Fmbalbuena's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Shortest CSS selector to select ALL html elements, without using asterisk *

What is the shortest selector (by character count) to select ALL html elements on a web page, without using asterisk (*)? Some examples are the following: ...
user3163495's user avatar
21 votes
8 answers

Do you win a Numeric Mahjong?

Background Numeric Mahjong is a hypothetical variation of Japanese Mahjong, played with nonnegative integers instead of Mahjong tiles. Given a list of nonnegative integers, it is a winning hand if it ...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 77.5k
8 votes
8 answers

Magic OEIS formulae (Robbers' thread)

This is the robbers' thread. See the cops' thread here. In this cops and robbers challenge, the cops will be tasked with writing an algorithm that computes some function of their choice, while the ...
dingledooper's user avatar
  • 22.7k
12 votes
9 answers

Magic OEIS formulae (Cops' thread)

This is the cops' thread. See the robbers' thread here. In this cops and robbers challenge, the cops will be tasked with writing an algorithm that computes some function of their choice, while the ...
dingledooper's user avatar
  • 22.7k
-9 votes
9 answers

Wrt "Hello World" prgrm bt wth n vwls

Create A "Hello, World!" program but without any vowels. Winner is the program with the least bytes. Rules: No vowels are allowed in the code. Must print to STDOUT Must be a full program. ...
Wallace's user avatar
  • 123
16 votes
7 answers

Output a Latin square with a program which is a Latin square

A Latin square of order n is text which is arranged as a square of n lines by n columns, contains n different characters, and each character appears once in each line and column. For example, here is ...
anatolyg's user avatar
  • 13.7k
-11 votes
13 answers

Check if my input was 'hi whats up' without using any of those letters in your code

Write a script, program or function which takes one input of type string and outputs or returns some sort of indication wether the input string was 'hi whats up' (without the apostrophes) or not. You ...
Squareoot's user avatar
  • 145
-12 votes
8 answers

Write "tut-tut-tut" without using "tut"

Following this question: Tut-tut-tut-tut-tut Write a program that writes "tut-tut-tut" without using the characters "t", "u" or "-" in the code itself. This is ...
JuanCa's user avatar
  • 187
23 votes
4 answers

Gray coded Gray code convertor

To increase data safety at our company, we are planning to start using Gray code numbers (where successive values differ by only one bit) instead of classical binary ones. Please help us to make a ...
Jiří's user avatar
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-12 votes
5 answers

12 with no 1234567890, but polyglot

This is my 12th question, so I thought of this idea. Goal: Output 12, with any preceding or trailing whitespace permitted In as many languages as possible (where different versions or flags count as ...
Number Basher's user avatar
10 votes
13 answers

Robbers: Smallest subset of characters required for Turing Completeness

This is the robbers' challenge. The cops' one is here. In Fewest (distinct) characters for Turing Completeness, the goal is to find the minimum number of characters which make a language Turing ...
Rydwolf Programs's user avatar

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