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Questions tagged [combinatorics]

For challenges involving combinatorics.

5 votes
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Dishonest dungeon staff

This is a joint post with You are faced with the difficult task to set up a dungeon for adventurers. However you made a deal ...
Fluorine's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Avoiding Loops!

Given a collection of coloured laces, what would be the probability, \$P\$, that Alice won't create any loops if, until impossible, they tie two uniformly chosen, free lace ends of differing colours ...
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
14 votes
13 answers

Counting rankings

There is a competition with \$n\$ participants in total. Alice is one of the participants. The outcome of the competition is given as a ranking per participant with a possibility of ties; e.g. there ...
Bubbler's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Robinson Schensted correspondence

[The explanations of the algorithm come from here. I recommend reading it for a beautiful description of the algorithm.] This challenge is to implement the Robinson Schensted correspondence. Input A ...
Simd's user avatar
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14 votes
10 answers

Expected number of rounds for this labeling scheme

Task Here is an interesting math problem: Let's say that there are \$n\$ indistinguishable unlabeled objects in a bin. For every "round", pull \$k\$ objects randomly out of the bin with ...
Aiden Chow's user avatar
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10 votes
7 answers

List all words following a pattern

This challenge is to list out all possible words which are built from a pattern of syllables. Words are composed by joining syllables together. Syllables are composed of a number of vowels with some ...
guest4308's user avatar
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19 votes
14 answers

Rook Polynomials

In combinatorics, the rook polynomial \$R_{m,n}(x)\$ of a \$m \times n\$ chessboard is the generating function for the numbers of arrangements of non-attacking rooks. To be precise: $$R_{m,n}(x) = \...
alephalpha's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Valid python function invocation signatures

Background In Python, function arguments are defined within the parentheses following the function name in the function definition. There are different ways to present function arguments, and they can ...
Mardoxx's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Representing a number as an unordered list of smaller numbers

Suppose we want to encode a large integer \$x\$ as a list of words in such a way that the decoder can recover \$x\$ regardless of the order in which the words are received. Using lists of length \$k\$ ...
Karl's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Generate all possible equations from a list of numbers [closed]

This is my first codegolf post so let me know if I have missed anything. Thanks :) Description You are given a list of numbers with 2 < n <= 6 length i.e. [1, ...
Kyle Sharp's user avatar
12 votes
15 answers

The number of solutions to Hertzsprung's Problem

Hertzprung's Problem (OEIS A002464) is the number of solutions to a variant of the Eight Queens Puzzle, where instead of placing \$n\$ queens, you place \$n\$ rook-king fairy pieces (can attack like ...
bigyihsuan's user avatar
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13 votes
11 answers

String Concatenate

You are given a string \$s\$ of characters from a to z. Your task is to count how many unique strings of length \$n\$ you can make by concatenating multiple prefixes of the string \$s\$ together. ...
Huỳnh Trần Khanh's user avatar
16 votes
8 answers

We're gonna need a bigger podium!

If \$R\$ runners were to run a race, in how many orders could they finish such that exactly \$T\$ runners tie? Challenge Given a positive integer \$R\$ and a non-negative integer \$0\leq T\leq {R}\$ ...
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
13 votes
17 answers

A Fine sequence with fine interpretations

The ubiquitous Catalan numbers \$C_n\$ count the number of Dyck paths, sequences of up-steps and down-steps of length \$2n\$ that start and end on a horizontal line and never go below said line. Many ...
Parcly Taxel's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

CGAC2022 Day 13: Santa's gift and the laser lock, Part 2

Part of Code Golf Advent Calendar 2022 event. See the linked meta post for details. You successfully route the laser into the sensor, but nothing happens. "What?" Frustrated, you flip the ...
Bubbler's user avatar
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