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Questions tagged [answer-chaining]

An answer-chaining challenge is a challenge where previous answers to the challenge influence how new answers are produced.

5 votes
9 answers

Print the banned characters based on the most common characters

This is an answer-chaining post, so in this challenge every answer (except the first answer) depends on the previous answer. The goal of this challenge is to output the restricted characters. The ...
Fmbalbuena's user avatar
  • 4,167
13 votes
5 answers

Print the answer before a given answer

In this challenge, you'll take an answer as input, and print the answer before it. If the answer passed as input is the first answer, print your own submission's source. You'll be passed any answer in ...
Rydwolf Programs's user avatar
24 votes
20 answers

Live a longer life

Conways' Game of Life is a well known cellular automaton "played" on an infinite grid, filled with cells that are either alive or dead. Once given an initial state, the board evolves ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
29 votes
21 answers

Add a hidden language to a polyglot

Inspired/mostly copied but I don't think it's a dupe. Also Inspired. In this challenge, you will create polyglots that include all languages from previous answers, and another language which you won't ...
emanresu A's user avatar
  • 39.2k
15 votes
17 answers

Print the last answerer's first submission

In this challenge, your past self comes back to help or hurt someone else! The task is simple: write a full program, not a function, that prints the first code submission on this site submitted by the ...
Purple P's user avatar
  • 1,667
11 votes
25 answers

CGCC sings a song together

This is a code-shuffleboard answer-chaining challenge, where the answers will aim to, together, output the lyrics to this beloved 80s song. This is the full lyrics of the song, line by line. The ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
22 votes
74 answers

Compose a song, line by line

It's time for CGCC to demonstrate our musical talent! In this challenge, you're going to compose songs while keeping your byte count as small as possible. On Day 0, multiple answerers will post a ...
user's user avatar
  • 357
-4 votes
8 answers

Let's rise higher [closed]

Challenge The main objective of the challenge is pretty simple, this is an answer chaining contest, where you have to serially print numbers from 1. That means User 1's answer will print ...
Wasif's user avatar
  • 12.3k
35 votes
21 answers

Which answer did this user write?

EDIT (Jan 19, 2022, 18:00 UTC): This challenge is now over. The winner is Citty with this Pyth answer. Congratulations! This is an answer-chaining challenge where each answer must take an integer \$N\...
Arnauld's user avatar
  • 194k
18 votes
28 answers

Output a unique sign sequence

A sign sequence is an infinite sequence consisting entirely of \$1\$ and \$-1\$. These can be constructed a number of ways, for example: Alternating signs: \$1, -1, 1, -1, ...\$ \$-1\$ for primes, \$...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
27 votes
70 answers

Quickly! Group together!

As of 27/12/20, the challenge is over as no new answers were posted on the 26th. With an astounding 55 points (and 21 answers), the winner is pppery! A quick shout out to the top 5 scorers as well: ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
16 votes
23 answers

We're all unique in our own way

This is an answer-chaining challenge where every part of your answer should aim to be unique from every other answer. This question will work in the following way: I will post the first answer. The ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

More Codington Crescent

Who's up for a second attempt? If you've ever listened to the radio program "I'm sorry, I haven't a clue", then you've probably heard of the game called "Mornington Crescent". For ...
lyxal's user avatar
  • 33.7k
10 votes
9 answers

Codington Crescent [duplicate]

Let's just see how this goes If you've ever listened to the radio program "I'm sorry, I haven't a clue", then you've probably heard of the game called "Mornington Crescent". For ...
lyxal's user avatar
  • 33.7k
18 votes
40 answers

The ASCII character countdown!

Since this is a answer-chaining challenge, you might want to sort answers by oldest. Your task is simple: Choose any printable ASCII character that's not chosen in the previous answers. And then, you ...
user avatar

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