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Questions tagged [functional-programming]

This tag is for challenges related to the functional programming paradigm.

18 votes
13 answers

Emulate Jelly's tie-scan

The golfing language Jelly has a built-in ƭ called "tie", that cycles through a list of functions every time it's called. For example, ...
emanresu A's user avatar
  • 39.2k
3 votes
0 answers

Implement the simplest functional programming language

The goal of this challenge is to compare how well different programming languages support functional programming, by seeing how much code it takes to implement BLC8, the simplest functional ...
John Tromp's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Point-free JavaScript: write a function runner

In this programming-puzzle, your goal is to write the following function in JavaScript, using (essentially) point-free (tacit) programming: (f) => void(f()) ...
Rydwolf Programs's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Write a variadic fixed point combinator

A fixed-point combinator is a higher order function \$\mathrm{fix}\$ that returns the fixed point of its argument function. If the function \$f\$ has one or more fixed points, then $$\mathrm{fix} f=f(\...
Legendary Wizard's user avatar
27 votes
18 answers

Implement the flip-floperator

Ruby has a strange operator, .., called flip-flop (not to be confused with the range operator, which looks the same). Used in a loop, flip-flop takes two conditions ...
Jordan's user avatar
  • 10.1k
16 votes
14 answers

Persistence of a number

The persistence of a number \$x = d_1d_2d_3...d_n\$, with \$d_1 \ne 0\$, under some function \$f : \mathbb N_0 \times \mathbb N_0 \to \mathbb N_0\$ is defined as the number of applications of \$f\$ to ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Curry tips for Haskell programmers

Curry is the Language of the Month this month and some users are starting to get into it, so let's get some tips together. Haskell and Curry are similar in a lot of ways and a lot of tips for Haskell ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
  • 99k
20 votes
37 answers

Implement an argwhere function

The \$\text{argwhere}\$ function takes a list of values and a predicate/boolean function as arguments and returns a list of indices where the predicate function returns true in the input list. For ...
chunes's user avatar
  • 25.5k
15 votes
8 answers

Simplify K projections

Background K functions have a feature called projection, which is essentially partial application of values to a function. The syntax for projections is a natural extension of the regular function ...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 77.5k
7 votes
4 answers

Ordered, linear, affine, or relevant?

Background Supplementary reading 1, Supplementary reading 2 Linear lambda calculus is a limited form of lambda calculus, where every bound variable must be used exactly once. For example, ...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 77.5k
19 votes
14 answers

Unfold a list using a function

Task Haskell's and Scala's standard libraries have an unfold function that builds a list from an initial state s and a function <...
user's user avatar
  • 357
17 votes
2 answers

We all know how to SKI, but can you BCKW?

Background Lambda calculus is a model of computation using lambda terms. A variable \$x\$ is a lambda term. If \$E\$ is a lambda term, the lambda abstraction \$\lambda x. E\$ is a lambda term. If \$...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 77.5k
21 votes
45 answers

Implement a cleave function

Think of cleave as the conceptual inverse of map. If map applies a function to each number in a list... map([1, 2, 3], x -> x * 5) -> ...
chunes's user avatar
  • 25.5k
9 votes
3 answers

Implement Fix2 combinator

Background The fixed-point combinator \$\textsf{fix}\$ is a higher-order function that computes the fixed point of the given function. $$\textsf{fix}\ f = f\ (\textsf{fix}\ f)$$ In terms of ...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 77.5k
14 votes
8 answers

Simplify K combinatory logic expression

Background Combinatory logic is a system where a term is written using a finite set of combinators and function application between terms, and reduction rules are defined for each combinator. The well-...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 77.5k

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