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Questions tagged [civivolunteer]

Questions about installing and using CiviCRM's volunteer management extension. Before posting a question, be sure you also have the Angular Profiles extension installed -- CiviVolunteer won't work without it. Also set CiviVolunteer permissions after installing. CiviCRM users with version 4.7.21 and higher should install the latest version of CiviVolunteer. Users of CiviCRM up to and including 4.7.20 should not upgrade past CiviVolunteer 4.6-2.2.1.

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Installing Civivolunteer 2.4.5 for Civicrm version 5.73.2 gives errors and fails

Code Hi, I know this issue has come up before but the situations and suggested solutions of previous posts don’t solve this issue. I can't install CiviVolunteer (2.4.5) for CiviCRM (5.73.2) and have ...
Axelvds's user avatar
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Using CiviCRM to create robust volunteer system

I'm looking to create a robust volunteer system that includes training, tracking of hours, marketing to attract volunteers and cultivate existing ones, and an app for volunteers to be able to log in ...
sandy's user avatar
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Skill/training tracking

We’re evaluating CiviCRM for a tiny, 0 employee nonprofit to manage 100 lay, trained, and skilled volunteers with environmental recovery efforts. Some jobs need specific training or pre-qualifications ...
Ben's user avatar
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create civiVolunteer not work

civicrm 5.69 drupal 10.2.2 i installed civicrm , have 1 plugin civivolunteer, i try go to create page , can not show create form, TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'entityTable')...
Nick's user avatar
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CiviVolunteer create page error

When I enter the create Volunteer page (civicrm/vol#/volunteer/manage/0), I cannot see any forms. Does anyone else have this problem and how to solve it. my setting drupal 10.2.2 ,civicrm 5.69
Nick's user avatar
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CiviVolunteer Create new project error

I installed the CiviCRM plugin "CiviVolunteer". When I try to add a project, there is a form. However, when I submit the form, there is no response. But when I check the Drupal log, I find ...
Nick's user avatar
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Best workaround for volunteer database with training journals

I’m hoping to create a volunteer section that will record and report on personal details, work location and training courses status etc. It was suggested that CiviCase would be the best option, ...
Paul Bertrand's user avatar
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Is CiviVolunteer a live project or is it dead?

I see that is not update and not sure it works with the last version of CiviCRM, do you think is a dead project? is there an alternative?
pk825's user avatar
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CiviVoluteer sign up on WordPress embeds into The Events Calendar page

When on my WordPress site a non-logged user is signing up for a volunteer opportunity using CiviVolunteer firstly everything is OK (the volunteer opportunities dashboard is shown as expected). But ...
KuboF Hromoslav's user avatar
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Wrong activity status when public sign up for a volunteer opportunity

After registering for a given volunteer opportunity with the public signup form, an activity record is created with an activity status = completed. In a test installation of mine, the status is ...
Maximilian Kuntze's user avatar
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Recording of start and end dates of volunteers

This is the case: volunteers in a charitable holiday home do 2-week turns in summer and Christmas holidays. I would like to record their start and end dates. Where can I register them? Do I consider ...
masetto's user avatar
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Volunteer Reports Totals Wrong

For each volunteer report run, the Total Time sums in table at the bottom are wrong. Row(s) Listed x Total Time Scheduled in Minutes xxx Total Time Completed in Minutes xxx No matter how sorted or ...
Tom Hennigan's user avatar
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Tracking Volunteers

I work within the outreach department of my organization and one of our primary functions is tracking volunteers and their hours per year. Does anyone track this in civi? What function (s) do you use ...
Khaela's user avatar
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Change the language of the CiviVolunteer component

I have a clean installation of CiviCRM on Wordpress on a Bitnami AWS installation. Later I was able to change the language to Spanish MX of all CiviCRM but it has not changed the language of the ...
Suriel Carrasco's user avatar
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View sent System Workflow Messages

Is there an easy way to view system workflow messages that have been sent? I want to confirm volunteers are receiving confirmation message.
emptyhometax's user avatar
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CiviVolunteer easy way to text a reminder to volunteer with their shift time

Running CiviVoluteer on Wordpress and wanting to send a text via a reminder to a volunteer with their shift date and time. Using the integration set up through Events but when volunteers sign up they ...
emptyhometax's user avatar
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CiviVolunteer gives MyISAM vs InnoDB error

I am getting this error when I use the CiviVoluteer extension on Worpress with CiviCRM version 5.39.0. I am hosted with CiviHosting. Your database is configured to use the MyISAM database engine. ...
emptyhometax's user avatar
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Using CiviCRM to track number of signatures collected for ballot initiative

Anyone have any advice how I might keep track of how many signatures are gathered through our volunteer tabling and events to qualify a ballot measure? We need to collect 5000 wet signatures for a ...
emptyhometax's user avatar
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Uninstalling civivolunteer - trigger remains

I uninstalled civivolunteer. We've opted to instead use an activity type with a couple custom fields tracking role and time spent. Anyway, when uninstalling it did not delete the 2 volunteer and ...
Andy Burns's user avatar
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Volunteer hours self-reporting

Curious whether there have been any developments on this topic since
wil_SRQ's user avatar
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Civi Volunteer 2.4.1 fatal errors on install CiviCRM 5.33.2 Drupal 7.78

I have just installed Civi Volunteer on Civi 5.33.2 with Drupal 7.78. No errors were displayed on install. I am seeing errors, including fatal ones. I have worked through the Volunteers menu items ...
gcpower's user avatar
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CiviVolunteer New Project issues

I have CiviCRM 5.34 CiviVolunteer 2.4.1 and Angular Profiles 4.7.31-1.1.1 on Wordpress 5.6.1 I am logged in as the Admin. I have freshly installed and set up. I try to create a new project and the ...
Steven Dana's user avatar
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adding new volunteer project hangs

We are running: civicrm 5.30.0 civi volunteer 4.7.31-2.3.1 angular profiles 4.6-1.0.2 Adding a new volunteer project just hangs showing the timer. Problem present under chrome and firefox. Here is the ...
Dave Hassall's user avatar
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civicrm volunteer error

Keep seeing this error: getFieldValue failed CRM_Core_Exception: getFieldValue failed in .../wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Admin/Page/Options.php on line 93 Also, i cannot perform the ...
Kris's user avatar
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Log own hours, must opportunities be tied to events?

I've installed CiviVolunteer, and some things aren't clear to me. (And existing questions about them are quite old, and promise things to come.) Can volunteers log their own hours, and must they be ...
KLL's user avatar
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How can I bulk add CiviVolunteer projects?

I will be running events 5 days a week for a couple of weeks every month. I need to schedule them individually. It seems like the best way to do this is to create a project for each day. Is that ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
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I was looking a solution for a organization with contacts and volunters with actuation diarly and needs register it. Some extension required?

I need a solution with the information between a volunter and a contact with diary operatons. I think with a calendar that I can register these actuations. Is there any extensions I can try? Thanks ...
Andreu's user avatar
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Is a CiviVolunteer shortcode available?

All my WordPress pages have completely different headers (through a plugin). However, I need to get the Search for Volunteer Opportunities form in CiviVolunteer to appear on a WordPress page in order ...
Día's user avatar
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What entity to use for committees (both a group and a collection of projects)?

Having some trouble mapping CiviCRM database entities to conceptual entities in my organization. We have long lists of committees; each committee can have any number of projects; projects can have any ...
Jeff Porten's user avatar
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Civivolunteer:"view own assignments"?

Is it possible to use the latest and greatest Civivolunteer to allow a user to see their own assignments on a dashboard or view? Found this ( but ...
Zachary's user avatar
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CiviVolunteer - Reports Not Appearing

I don't use this option a lot so forgive me if I'm just forgetting how this works, but last I knew in CiviVolunteer if you wanted to generate a report of the hours logged, you'd go to Contact Reports -...
Matt Woodward's user avatar
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Any Known Incompatibilities with CiviVolunteer and Other Extensions? [duplicate]

We are getting this error in CiviCRM: Warning: Declaration of CRM_Volunteer_Permission::check($permissions) should be compatible with CRM_Core_Permission::check($permissions, $contactId = NULL) in /...
RiverRunner's user avatar
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CiviVolunteer Commitment box control

On the search for volunteer opportunities page the commitment box with the signup button floats on the screen. I'd like to prevent this as it obscures the list of opportunities. Does anyone have a ...
KilakwaBT's user avatar
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What is the 'Associated Entity' in a CiviVolunteer Project?

I'm using CiviCM version 5.18.3 with Drupal 7.67 . I've installed CiviVolunteer. At ~/civicrm/vol/#/volunteer/manage I see a test Project I have created in a list. In that row, next to Volunteer ...
Joe McLaughlin's user avatar
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civivolunteer error creating event volunteer opportunities through event tab

After creating an event and clicking on the volunteers tab to create a volunteer project, I try to add the volunteer opportunities on the same screen. However I don't get the popup and I get these ...
Michele Rizack's user avatar
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Problem importing Civi Volunteer Needs

We are working importing Volunteer Needs for various Volunteer Projects via the API csv Extension. When we load the interface, select the entity 'VolunteerNeed' and select file. When we hit continue ...
KilakwaBT's user avatar
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Change the permissions to access Volunteer tab in CiviEvent

I have found out that the Volunteer tab within CiviEvent needs 'edit_all_events'. However, I do not want people editing events they did not create. Where in the code could I find and adjust this ...
Andy Burns's user avatar
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API permission check on CiviVolunteer

I created a new CiviVolunteer project and have several successful sign-ups, but one volunteer reported getting this error: "API permission check failed for VolunteerUtil/getbeneficiaries call; ...
Mark Westergaard's user avatar
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How do I update CiviVolunteer, from the UI or from the command line?

I'm running Civi 5.19.alpha1 with Drupal locally. I have CiviVolunteer 4.7.31-2.3.1, which is the latest release listed on GitHub, from June 2018. I want to update to the latest stuff in the repo, ...
Joe McLaughlin's user avatar
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Image / file upload issue on civivolunteer public form

I am just wondering if file uploading (image) is supported in CiviVolunteer as I am having an issue where attaching an image to a volunteer signup form is not being captured / displayed on the view ...
da_adamt's user avatar
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Cannot uninstall civivolunteeer

I decided to remove Civivolunteer. Administer > System Settings > Extensions. I disabled Civivolunteer and then Uninstall. Error message: "DB Error: constraint violation" The Civivolunteer extension ...
Hock's user avatar
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Available Volunteer Opportunities does not filter out filled opportunities

The opportunities screen does not filter out opportunities that have been filled. My URL: https://mysite/drupal/civicrm/vol/#/volunteer/opportunities?project=6&dest=event&hideSearch=1 "...
Hock's user avatar
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How to log by hours instead of minutes in CiviVolunteer

Using CiviVolunteer Version 4.7.31-2.3.1 / CiviCRM 4.7.31 "Log Hours" and "Volunteer Report" have Duration in minutes instead of hours. Is there a way to change to "Hours" instead? I tried ...
Michele Rizack's user avatar
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Undefined index: start_time in CRM Volunteer BAO NeedSearch.php

Drupal 7.67 Civicrm 5.15.2 CiviVolunteer 4.7.31-2.3.1 I have the following error message on Volunteer Event registration "Volunteer Now" screen: Notice: Undefined index: start_time in ...
Hock's user avatar
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Civivolunteer Declaration of CRM_Volunteer_Permission Line 221 ClassLoader.php

Drupal 7.67 Civicrm 5.15.2 Civivolunteer 4.7.31-2.3.1 I am getting the following message on a number of screens: Warning: Declaration of CRM_Volunteer_Permission::check($permissions) should be ...
Hock's user avatar
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Check in/Check out system QR codes

I have been searching if anyone has described how to achieve something similar to what we would like to do: We currently use a manual sign in sheet for our members (use of this sheet is sadly not ...
user7275's user avatar
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Error With CiviCRM Volunteer

I am getting the following error in CiviCRM: M_Volunteer_Permission::check($permissions) should be compatible with CRM_Core_Permission::check($permissions, $contactId = NULL) in /home/xxxxx/...
Paul Williams's user avatar
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New release of CiviVolunteer or patch for DB Error: unknown error Return to home page

Is there a new release for CiviVolunteer yet or at least how can I patch the "DB Error: unknown error Return to home page" error. After doing the modification to both files: May 07 08:39:13 [info] ...
Karen-Ann's user avatar
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CiviVolunteer error after upgrade to Civi 5.11.0 on joomla

Running civicrm 5.11.0 with CiviVolunteer on joomla 3.9.5 PHP 7.1 (as well a second site with the same problem on PHP 7.0) I am running API v4 version 4.3.0 CiviVolunteer 4.7.31-2.3.1 Since upgrading ...
Karen-Ann's user avatar
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Unable to access volunteer functionality

With Drupal 7.64 CiviCRM version 5.10.4 & civivolunteer version 4.7.31-2.3.1 Created a new event. Under the Volunteer tab in event configuration, there are three buttons Log Volunteer Hours ...
Pranav Mainkar's user avatar

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