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Uninstalling civivolunteer - trigger remains

I uninstalled civivolunteer. We've opted to instead use an activity type with a couple custom fields tracking role and time spent. Anyway, when uninstalling it did not delete the 2 volunteer and ...
Andy Burns's user avatar
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How do I update CiviVolunteer, from the UI or from the command line?

I'm running Civi 5.19.alpha1 with Drupal locally. I have CiviVolunteer 4.7.31-2.3.1, which is the latest release listed on GitHub, from June 2018. I want to update to the latest stuff in the repo, ...
Joe McLaughlin's user avatar
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CiviVolunteer will not install or uninstall

So we are playing around with extensions that might help us, and tried to install civivolunteer. It is on my extension list, and the option is to "install". When I click this I get an error about ...
user6861's user avatar
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Extension download error

I am trying to install CiviVolunteer. When I go to extensions I get two errors: "The CiviCRM public extensions directory at could not be contacted - please check your webserver can make external HTTP ...
Heather Merrill's user avatar
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civivolunteer extension

my civi version is 4.5.2 I wanted to activate civiVolunteer at administer. but there is no civivolunteer. the civicontribution etc. is there. how can I activate the civivolunteer?
Oliver's user avatar
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Do volunteers have to be associated with an event?

I can see volunteers related to event management, but what about managing volunteers for organization roles like marketing, accounting, etc. ? Perhaps there is a hack to create a dummy event, but ...
Sonicthoughts's user avatar