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  • Member for 7 years, 2 months
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3 votes

How is Pride the enemy of Hope?

3 votes

Does Presbuteros mean priest?

3 votes

Did Paul change his teaching regarding Jesus? Rom 9:5

3 votes

Who is the earliest theologian arguing for a 'memorial ordinance' theory of the Eucharist as opposed to a 'real presence sacramental' one?

3 votes

Why does St. Peter use the phraseology "killed by hanging on a tree" while referring to the crucifixion of Jesus?

3 votes

What is the scriptural evidence that Mary was always a virgin?

3 votes

What are the most striking disagreements (if any) between the early Church Fathers of the second century?

3 votes

Who did Christ first appear to after his resurection?

3 votes

Was there a special Sabbath in addition to Passover when Jesus was crucified?

3 votes

How does the Hebrew Roots movement handle Paul's statements which imply Christians should not be enslaved to the Jewish Law?

3 votes

Did Jesus perform a single miracle before his fast and temptation?

3 votes

What is meant by the expression that Jesus came in the fullness of time?

3 votes

What is the biblical basis for Docetism?

3 votes

Since St. Irenaeus was not a Trinitarian was/is he damned?

3 votes

How do Protestants answer the Catholic accusation of historicity?

3 votes

Can God replace his covenent with Abraham?

3 votes

Where is the reference to John's student writing that John wrote his gospel because the synoptic gospels needed more detail?

3 votes

Why did Eusebius quote this passage?

3 votes

What was Paul's "revelation" (mentioned in Galatians 2:2)?

3 votes

The uniqueness of Christ's suffering

3 votes

What did early Christians say about apostolic succession?

3 votes

Why is the Bishop of Jerusalem still Greek?

3 votes

Why is Christmas on December 25th?

3 votes

How do adherents of sola scriptura respond to "extra" biblical beliefs?

3 votes

From a Dogmatic Catholic perspective, what is the eternal destination of an unbaptized embryo?

3 votes

Are mainline Protestants our Brothers in Christ by virtue of the Trinitarian Baptism? [Catholic]

3 votes

Is there a name for when Jesus was baptized?

3 votes

Can you explain the conflict between 2 Corinthians 5:10 and Isaiah 43:25?

3 votes

According to Preterists did "the man of sin" (2 Thessalonians 2:3) become manifest before 70AD? If so, who was it?

3 votes

How did Judas die?

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