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  • Member for 7 years, 2 months
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4 votes

Which works of the Church Fathers name Jacob the Just as the leader of the Ebionites?

4 votes

Are there any Protestant denominations that reject any of the first six Church Ecumenical Councils?

4 votes

What Christian denominations stand by Nuda (or Solo) Scriptura and what do they have to say about established creeds and confessions?

4 votes

What basis could there be for an 18th century Christian to say that "Gnostics were the Antinomians of their day"?

4 votes

History of creatio ex nihilo

4 votes

What date was the second Easter?

4 votes

What could account for this 1990 radical change in belief about the German school of Higher Criticism (that began around 1860)?

4 votes

What were the practices observance of which was abhorred by St Paul in Gal 4:9-10?

4 votes

If God is perfect; why was the first covenant faulty?

3 votes

Since when did the Catholic church accept Protestant baptism, and what was the original rationale for accepting?

3 votes

Do the canons of the Second Council of Constantinople anathematise those who believe that Mary and Joseph consummated their marriage?

3 votes

When did Jesus launch his public ministry?

3 votes

By what mechanism does Faith lead to Salvation?

3 votes

When did the Catholic Church first introduce the veneration of Mary?

3 votes

Significance of the darkness before Jesus' death?

3 votes

When did Jesus first introduce himself as Son of God?

3 votes

What are the various definitions of "Repentance"?

3 votes

What is the earliest known work in which the phrase "priesthood of all believers" is used?

3 votes

What is the biblical basis for giving the bread/wafer to the laity at the Eucharist but reserving the wine for the clergy?

3 votes

How do believers in an eternal conscious torment/separation interpret Matthew 10:28?

3 votes

How do the ideas of authority and infallibility relate to tradition in the Catholic Church?

3 votes

How did the Apostles cast lots in Acts 1?

3 votes

What, according to Jesus, is the primary purpose and objective of sending the Holy Spirit at Pentecost?

3 votes

Does the delayed burial of Jesus attest to the fact that he had no close relatives other than his mother?

3 votes

What do Christians pay attention to in order to decide if a given piece of text or manuscript is divinely inspired?

3 votes

What arguments support the view that Ephesians WAS written by Paul?

3 votes

Why do some Catholics avoid communion at Novus Ordo masses?

3 votes

What was the Early Church's position on Purgatory?

3 votes

Did any in the Early Church require a kosher diet?

3 votes

How do Catholics explain the apparent inconsistency between Mary's not experiencing labor pain and Rev 12:1-6?

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