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Questions tagged [repentance]

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15 votes
4 answers

Is repentance required for salvation? [closed]

I know that through faith alone I am saved. But is repentance a requirement for that salvation as a part of my faith? Is repentance a single act, or should it be continuous?
a_hardin's user avatar
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5 answers

How does repentance fit into the doctrine of sola fide ("by faith alone")?

Sola fide (Latin for "by faith alone") is a defining doctrine of Protestantism. Wikipedia defines it as follows: The doctrine of sola fide asserts God's pardon for guilty sinners is granted to and ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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4 answers

As Christians we are already saved, so why must we keep repenting of sin? [closed]

We believe that Jesus died for all our sins, past and future, so why do we need to keep asking to be forgiven if Jesus already died to forgive that sin?
regis's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is the sin of the fallen angels unforgivable? (Catholic catechism)

Referring to the fall of Satan and his angels, according to the Catechism: 393 It is the irrevocable character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite divine mercy, that makes the angels' ...
BJ Dela Cruz's user avatar
6 votes
9 answers

What evidence is there that the thief on the cross was not baptized?

In Luke chapter 23, there is an interaction between Jesus and two thieves on the cross. One of the thieves mocks the Savior, telling him to save himself. The other thief rebukes the first, and ...
Samuel Bradshaw's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

According to Protestantism, are we saved by faith into a repentance of law-following?

Just have a question regarding faith and works: A person has eternal life solely by faith in Jesus Christ (as in believing every word Jesus said, including his claims that he is God), but by believing ...
Robin Ting's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How can God be Sovereign (in the Reformed sense) if a man can ignore His call to repentance?

The Scriptures tell us: The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a ...
bruised reed's user avatar
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4 answers

Can someone be saved if they willingly live in sin? [closed]

For example, if somebody says, "Since God forgives sins, why not live a sinful life? Then when I'm dying in my bed, I'll just ask him to forgive me for my sins." How should I respond to that ...
KingLogic's user avatar
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6 answers

What is the biblical basis for “the Sinner’s Prayer” and do Protestants believe that saying the prayer make one a Christian?

I came across a similar question asking about the Protestant view that when you first believe on Jesus Christ you become a Born Again Christian. Here is the link to the question: How did the Born ...
Lesley's user avatar
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3 answers

Do any denominations accept their own part in the failure, generally, of Christendom, to rise to the reality of what Christianity ought to be?

My question is prompted by my own thoughts, this morning, as to my own failure, in my own lifetime, to fully respond - zealously, faithfully and responsibly - to the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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5 answers

What is the biblical basis that we no longer need to confess and repent?

Joseph Prince (Worldwide speaker and author of Destined to Reign) and Andrew Wommack (Andrew Wommack Ministries and author of many books) teaches this with the Grace (hyperGrace) message, as does my ...
Carly's user avatar
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1 answer

Is the root of salvation correctly summed up as "Be saved and repent!" or should it be "Repent and be saved!"?

In the article below, the phrase "Be saved and repent!" was endorsed. I wish to know what a Reformed Protestant view would be on this. The context for the phrase is this: The editor wrote an article ...
Anne's user avatar
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Why did John the Baptist preach repentance through water baptism and specifically how is that different than repentance through ashes and sackcloth?

Are there any records that explain why baptism was used for repentance when the Jews already had a method of repentance by putting ashes on them and wearing sackcloth? This seemingly worked as noted ...
Adam Heeg's user avatar
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5 answers

What are the various definitions of "Repentance"?

I previously asked this question: Is the Holy Spirit a necessary presupposition for repentance? What became apparent from that question, however, is that there are many opinions or views on what "...
telion's user avatar
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What constitutes a "serious" crime for the purpose of LDS baptism preparation?

According to Preach My Gospel, the official LDS (Mormon) missionary guide, missionaries are supposed to ask potential converts Have you ever committed a serious crime? If so, are you now on probation ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar

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