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14 votes
7 answers

How do proponents of Sola Scriptura choose the "correct" interpretation of a key Bible verse?

As a Protestant who really tries to abide by the sola scriptura principle to subject my understanding of God, His works, and His relation to us under the accepted Protestant canon, I am bewildered on ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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According to non-Pentecostal Protestants, what are concrete practical ways by which Christians can be filled (and stay filled) with the Holy Spirit?

The concept of "being filled" with the Holy Spirit is mentioned multiple times in the New Testament, and according to the book of Acts it appears to have been a crucial aspect of the early ...
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3 answers

How do Protestants keep the Sabbath?

Exodus 20:9–11 (ESV) Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, ...
Ben Mordecai's user avatar
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According to Protestants, is it sinful to practice Yoga?

I know a lot of people who claim to be Christian but practice Yoga. I always thought (and Wikipedia seems to back me up on this) that Yoga was about meditation in Hinduism or Buddhism. Is practicing ...
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According to Protestantism, how should Christians "seek" and "find" God?

Many Christians encourage people to "seek" God. Similarly, many Christians claim that God can be "found". I'm also well aware of the existence of many passages in the Bible that ...
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