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kyc's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
14 votes

Why do Chinese people complicate the matter in choosing the words for translation

5 votes

Since 本来 means both "originally" and "of course", how can I determine if 他本来是老师 means "he was originally a teacher" or "he is of course a teacher"?

3 votes

For loanwords like "Facebook", which type of pronunciation is more common?

3 votes

Translating "You wanna bet?"

3 votes

Is 李飞 a reasonable name in Chinese?

3 votes

What is the most polite way to say "I beg your pardon"?

2 votes

How do you say "wavy hair" in Chinese?

2 votes

How to use 'awkward' as an adjective in Chinese

2 votes

A word for "dating", "game", "seduction"

2 votes

What is 照拂 in 我是你照拂的梦?

2 votes

Can kan4 be used to mean "to look after"? Or must it be first tone?

2 votes

Is 消杀 (xiāoshā) a new word, and what does it mean?

1 vote

Reading older Chinese magazines

1 vote

How to say wow in chinese and stretch it out? Woooaaaaah

1 vote

Is there a simple antonym for 好在 = "fortunately, luckily"?

1 vote

Do only about 3000 Chinese characters occur in more than one word in the dictionary 现代汉语词典?

1 vote

Is "哇咧老天哦" suppose to be a transaltion for "Oh My Gosh"?

1 vote

Do you *always* say Chinese idioms the exact same way (unlike English)?

1 vote

Is there significance on whether having a 3 character name versus a 2 character name in mainland China?

1 vote

Meaning of 注意点你的脑袋!

1 vote

Meaning of 相 in 讓僑胞擁有與國內民眾相類似之教育資源

1 vote

What are these courtesy names and given names? - confusion in translation

0 votes

What does 有板有眼 mean here?

0 votes

what is the difference between 困惑 and 糊涂