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Questions tagged [websites]

Sets of webpages linked to each other in web domains.

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Resource for programming with Chessground

Does anyone have a resource or blog or article they can point that that goes into detail about how to use chessground from github?
Stephan's user avatar
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What program/website shows the last captured piece in displaying the last move played in a position?

The following image appeared in the question Can anyone explain this sacrifice? You can see a pawn is captured. Sometimes a position will show the last move played or whose move it is but doesn't ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Is there any stockfish web api?

I would like to create a web page with a stockfish analysis which evaluates the sharpness of position, but to do that I would like to avoid to upload myself a Stockfish program in the cloud. I would ...
Andrea Nerla's user avatar
1 vote
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Playing against a tablebase online

I'm looking for a website where I can play endgames against a 6-man or 7-man tablebase. These tablebases are too large for me to install locally. I'm aware that Lichess allows users to view tablebase ...
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What are the most popular Russian-language chess community websites?

What are the most popular Russian-language chess community websites for high-level chess discussion?
Anna's user avatar
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where can I find free chess books? [duplicate]

I need a website where I can find free chess ebooks? I would like to see a list of free books to download or read online.
mohamadi_arch's user avatar
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Chess middle game puzzle online for free

Recently, I was looking for a website where I can find only middle game puzzles. I found the website, I had solved most of the puzzles in less than a minute (If I get enough time, I can solve any ...
Billy Istiak's user avatar
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Looking for a webpage with chess puzzles in which you had to mentally play a couple moves before an interesting position arised

As per the title; instead of the typical chess puzzle in which a side has to play and find the best move, you were given a couple moves and then were asked about the resulting position. I guess I ...
emdio's user avatar
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3 answers

Sorting players by FIDE blitz/rapid ratings

In the FIDE advanced search it seems to only allow search by standard rating. Is there a way, for example, to search the list of players with descending blitz rating or rapid rating? My final goal is ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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Where can you play against AlphaZero?

I have read a few articles about the game between Stockfish and AlphaZero. But is there a place where anyone can play against AlphaZero?
Varun W.'s user avatar
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How to compare Stockfish move preference every 1000 nodes

I would like to test how Stockfish or other Engines change their moves and evaluations as the number of nodes increases. Is there a way to run Stockfish (or another engine) and force it to output its ...
Bas van Opheusden's user avatar
3 votes
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App which transforms chess moves into chess positions

I am interested is there an app which transforms written moves into chesd position? In other words, if I paste written chess game (for example 1. c3 d5 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nf3 Bg4 4. e3 e6 5. Be2 Be7 6. Ne5 ...
Mathematicar's user avatar
6 votes
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Connectivity comparison between chess websites?

I wonder if there has been a test to compare connectivity to the major chess websites. Or whether it is easy to run such a test myself if needed. Here is what I mean to test: I am mainly playing on ...
Dennis Jaheruddin's user avatar
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Multiple day online swiss tournament

I want to organize a 6 round swiss tournament for 100+ players with 3 rounds/day. I know there are websites which allow us to organize swiss tournaments ex :-, I want to know if ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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Tiniest readable board and pieces design

Has anyone developed a graphic design format for representing boards within a very tiny amount of space? I'm thinking along the lines of how sparklines were developed to allow a line chart to be ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar

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