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Questions tagged [annotation]

For questions about annotated chess games and the symbols used when annotating chess games.

9 votes
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What’s the origin of “!” & “?”

Who first started to annotate chess moves with “!” for good & “?” for bad?! EDIT: Two data points: (1) 1859 "The Book of the First American Chess Congress." The annotated games have no ...
Laska's user avatar
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Can sacrificing a Queen be considered a brilliant move?

Knowing that a brilliant move is only given out by sacrificing a piece, is there any position or past game that had given out a brilliant move via Queen sacrifice?
Jonah Hodge's user avatar
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Is there any position where giving checkmate by En Passant is a brilliant move on

I have seen many en passant checkmates, but I have never seen one that was a brilliant move. Is there any position where giving checkmate by en passant is a brilliant move on
Jonah Hodge's user avatar
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"Every" move in long notation

A move here shall be defined as the FIDE super-long notation of a legal chess move: Sg1-f3, O-O, e5xd6 ep, Da8xg8+, Rd1-d6# and whatnot. I.e. starting square, ending square, capture sign, check sign, ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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Is there a way to get blunders, mistakes and inaccuracies using Stockfish?

Stockfish provides the best moves/lines but is there a command or technique to get inaccuracies, mistakes and blunders? How is this done by lichess or They also have the ability to show an ...
Patola's user avatar
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Hamppe-Meitner, the final verdict?

[FEN ""] 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Bc5 3.Na4 Bxf2+ For those of you who never heard of Hamppe-Meitner. Now I dimly remember that a super engine somewhere found a White win, but even the bringer of the ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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Where can Botvinnik's analysis of Botvinnik - Gligoric, Tel Aviv 1964 be found?

I have seen an old post in a chess forum referring to Botvinnik's own analysis of the game presented below. I have searched, but did not find it. Where can the analysis be found? If you can provide a ...
B.Swan's user avatar
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ChessBase and Scid vs Pc Annotation

I am legally blind, but I love to play chess. I like to annotate games. does it right in my opinion, but only because the arrows are thick and opaque. I am wondering, is it possible to ...
Josef's user avatar
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Why is this move into a simple forced mate annotated dubious and not a blunder?

In a recent game against a weak computer opponent on lichess, I (white) was in the following position: [FEN "Q4k1r/p1Nbbppp/1pn1p3/8/5B2/5N2/P1K1nPPP/R6R b - - 0 1"] The AI played the move ...
nanofarad's user avatar
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Why is Tal talking about 10. Qf7 when 10.... N5f6 is possible?

I am picking from the book "Attack with Mikhail Tal" Chapter 1, pg 6. Tal annotates the steps and his thought process on the Tal-Larsen 1965 match. [FEN ""] 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. ...
Soham's user avatar
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Benefits of studying annotated grandmaster games

I've started reading about the 1960 Tal vs Botvinnik match and I'm planning on studying many annotated games like these. I was curious about what benefits I can get out of doing this. I've already ...
randomlad's user avatar
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Why don't people develop a annotation symbol for "best moves"? [closed]

In chess, exclamation points ("!") indicate good moves and the double exclamation point ("!!") is used for very strong moves. However, I do not know any symbol for "best moves&...
Zuriel's user avatar
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Why aren't early opening moves generally given exclamation marks?

As the title above, why aren't early opening moves generally given exclamation marks? I see question marks for obvious opening mistakes from time to time, e.g. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f6? or 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Bg4?! ...
A. N. Other's user avatar
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How to visualize variations clearly? [duplicate]

So,I'm reading some annotated games and analyzing them in some app.I feel too lazy to make separate moves for the variations give and tend to do them in my head,but i find it difficult to do after say ...
bretlee's user avatar
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Resources for annotated or commented games by level of audience

Similar questions have been asked before here or here. Still I think it would be more useful to have these resources listed by level. There is not much point for a beginner to listen to a GM ...
user1583209's user avatar
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