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Fundamental reasons for using vapors for ALD rather than solutions

Atomic layer deposition (ALD) has been developed for many materials, as can be seen from this overview: However, a search for liquid phase ALD gives less results. ...
Paul Kolk's user avatar
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Is this evidence that solubility of sodium bicarbonate<sodium carbonate?

Someone introduced $\ce{CO2}$ into saturated $\ce{Na2CO3}$ solution, and observed that white precipitate is produced. He therefore claims that $\ce{NaHCO3}$ has less solubility than $\ce{Na2CO3}$. His ...
youthdoo's user avatar
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What are the reactions between Zinc acetate dihydrate and Methoxyethanol? [closed]

I am synthesizing a sol-gel solution with Zinc acetate dihydrate + Methoxyethanol and ethanolamine as stabilizer, and I wonder what are the reactions that are taking place in the process. Could you ...
Chemistry's user avatar
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What is the inconsistency in calculating the differences in Na2O and NaOH in solids (v2)?

(Note that this question has been fully edited for clarity, SE help advised not to delete the question and post another). Background: I have a computer model in which I feed it input data from various ...
Hendrix13's user avatar
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How to calculate composition of alcohol/water mixture to achieve given concentration of alcohol vapors in air for calibrating a DIY breathalyzer?

I made a breathalyzer using a MiCS-5524 gas sensor. I would like to calibrate it so it can be close to accurate. e2v technologies — MiCS Application Note 4, Using MiCS Sensors for Alcohol Detection (...
Bill2k's user avatar
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Can Bromophenol Blue Sodium Salt, and Pentane be safely mixed/in contact with each other?

I'm trying to determine if powdered Bromophenol blue is safe to mix with Pentane. I would only need a tiny amount of dye, just enough to tint the pentane. I need to use pentane for it's specific ...
Chris's user avatar
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Relative Humidity inside a thermally insulated chamber for a NACL solution

I ran an experiment, where I had to measure the relative humidity of a thermally insulated chamber containing NaCl solution. I have read from a few papers, that the relative humidity of a NaCl ...
Neil's user avatar
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Can ferrous ions exist in an acidic solution?

Can Fe2+ ions exist in an acidic solution or will they always pick up available protons and become Fe3+? My hunch is they can't exist but I'm not really sure. If the latter, does that mean that ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Mixing hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide doesn't lead to sodium peroxide anymore [closed]

I've been using same bottle of hydrogen peroxide and same bottle of 50 % of sodium hydroxide to make sodium peroxide for a month now. You could see the presence of sodium peroxide in the solution ...
Lubos Bocian's user avatar
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Using samples in titrations

I've never done an experiment before. So, the methodology provided in this pdf is quite confusing. Link to the pdf: So,...
ninetysix's user avatar
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How do I prepare citric acid solution (from anhydrous powder) of accurate concentration, given that the solution volume expands when water is added?

I attempted to prepare saturated citric acid solution from anhydrous powder. According to online data, the solubility limit was 59.2 w/w at 20 °C, i.e. 59.2 g citric acid in 100 mL water. To ensure ...
Rex's user avatar
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How to prepare a 10% alcoholic KOH solution? [closed]

I am confused actually. A 10% alcoholic KOH solution means that there is 10g of KOH in 100 ml of ethanol, or 10g KOH in 100 g of ethanol or something entirely different? Also, I understand that the ...
Shweta's user avatar
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Flux a specific concentration of a tracer constituent of a gas

I need to flux 250 ppm of CO2 at 1000 ml/min. I have a gas system with a tank containing CO2 (CO2 at 5000 ppmvol, Oxygen 21%vol and Nitrogen the rest), connected with a mass flow controller (MFC1, ...
Mrs.Peacock's user avatar
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What is the temperature needed for a reflux using a mix of solvents as the reaction medium? [closed]

I had a quick query regarding the setup of a reaction. The procedure that I am working from states that I need to put my reaction mixture under reflux for 3 hours. The solvents used are diethyl ether (...
Jamie's user avatar
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What is vacuum-assisted ultrasonication?

This quote from a methods section of a paper: [samples were] ultrasonicated for approximately 30 min to ensure adequate dispersion of the components throughout the mixture. The solution was then ...
Tomi's user avatar
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