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What reaction takes place when ammonia and sulfur dioxide are introduced into barium chloride solution?

What reaction takes place when gaseous $\ce{NH3}$ and $\ce{SO2}$ are introduced into $\ce{BaCl2}$ solution and an insoluble white solid is produced? I think that the white solid could be $\ce{BaSO4}$ ...
youthdoo's user avatar
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How does a silver chloride electrode (Ag/AgCl) convert the potential in aqueous solution to the wire?

I am aware of the redox chemistry that happens at the electrode surface, but I'm not sure how exactly a change in electrical potential in the solution would change the potential in the electrode?
Anthony's user avatar
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Electrode potential and likeliness to reduce/oxidize (electrolysis) [closed]

I'm a little confused about situations where multiple chemical compounds can be reduced/oxidized and the likelihood of this happening to one compound over the others, depending on the electrode ...
c.leblanc's user avatar
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How to balance iodometric equations using ion electron method? [duplicate]

I found out the reductant, oxidant, oxidation half reaction, reduction half reaction; balanced ions (adding $\ce{H2O},$ $\ce{H+},$ electrons) and charges: $$\ce{K\overset{-1}{I} + \overset{+2}{Cu}SO4 -...
dandelionseeds's user avatar
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Reaction of lead with acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide solution

My textbook says lead reacts with acetic acid when there is enough oxygen to oxidize lead: $$\ce{2 Pb + O2 + 4 CH3COOH -> 2 Pb(CH3COO)2 + 2 H2O}$$ So, I added lead into mixed solution of acetic ...
satoru kurita's user avatar
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Reaction of hydrogen peroxide with acetic acid and potassium permanganate

I conducted an experiment where I mixed hydrogen peroxide $\ce{H2O2}$, acetic acid $\ce{CH3COOH}$ and potassium permanganate $\ce{KMnO4}$ under vigorous stirring. The reaction hasn't stopped after 15 ...
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Why does copper(II) sulfate solution turn black on addition of excess sodium borohydride?

In my laboratory experiment, I was supposed to reduce copper(II) sulfate to copper by means of $\ce{NaBH4}$, an indication of which was supposed to be a colour change from blue (copper(II) sulfate) to ...
Sashank Sriram's user avatar
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Does hypochlorous acid oxidize hydrogen peroxide?

The following reaction is from, p. 11: $$\ce{H2O2 + HOCl -> H3O+ + Cl- + O2}$$ I have to find if $\ce{H2O2}$ is acting like a reducing agent or an ...
Soumil Gupta's user avatar
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Reaction between concentrated sulfuric acid and sodium bromide

What are the products of the reaction between sodium bromide and concentrated sulfuric acid? I did the question like this: $$ \begin{align} \ce{2Br- &-> Br2 + 2e-} \tag{R1.1} \\ \ce{SO4^2- 4H+ ...
user121671's user avatar
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Incompatibility of Helmholtz Double Layer and Redox electrochemistry

In an electric double layer capacitor(EDLC) (or any situation with a Helmholtz double layer) what prevents the ions from being reduced or oxidized like the ions in an electrochemical cell? If it is ...
George Albercook's user avatar
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Relation between standard silver-silver chloride electrode potential and solubility product of silver chloride

I learned that $E^\circ_\ce{Cl^-|Ag,AgCl}, E^\circ_\ce{Ag^+|Ag}$ and $K_\mathrm{sp}$ of $\ce{AgCl}$ are related as $$\boxed{E^\circ_\ce{Cl^-|Ag,AgCl} = E^\circ_\ce{Ag^+|Ag} + \frac{RT}{F}\ln K_\mathrm{...
Ray Bradbury's user avatar
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Effect of side reactions on galvanic cell using iron rod as anode and sodium chloride as salt bridge

We just made a galvanic cell on a chemistry lesson using iron, iron sulfate , copper and copper sulfate. We used a sponge soaked in $\ce{NaCl}$ solution as the salt bridge. The issue is that we ...
Ankfintaren Duck's user avatar
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Is it the solution energy or the reduction potentials (or both) that drives a galvanic cell?

I have received conflicting explanations for why the redox reaction in a galvanic cell occurs. Explanation 1: Some say that it occurs because the anodic metal dissolves more easily than the cathodic ...
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Balancing reaction between copper and nitric acid given the ratio of formed nitrogen oxides

Problem $\ce{Cu}$ reacts with $\ce{HNO3}$ according to the equation $$\ce{Cu + HNO3 -> Cu(NO3)2 + NO + NO2 + H2O}$$ If $\ce{NO}$ and $\ce{NO2}$ are formed in 2:3 ratio, what is coefficient of $\ce{...
Rover's user avatar
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Balancing redox reaction of zinc and hot diluted nitric acid

I need to balance the following reaction: $$\ce{Zn + HNO3 -> Zn(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 + H2O}$$ I assigned all oxidation numbers: $$\ce{\overset{0}{Zn} + \overset{+1}{H}\overset{+5}{N}\overset{-2}{O_3}\...
Xetrez's user avatar
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Why does green ferrous sulfate solution change color to yellow upon addition of hydrochloric acid?

I was demonstrating the formation of $\ce{Fe(OH)2}$ precipitate at school when the light green $\ce{FeSO4}$ I was using reacted with dil. $\ce{HCl}$ turned yellow. This only happened with dil. $\ce{...
abrn2195's user avatar
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Balancing complex redox reaction of gold treated with sodium cyanide

How would you balance this reaction: $$\ce{Au(s) + NaCN(aq) + O2(g) + H2O(l)-> Na[Au(CN)2](aq) + NaOH(aq)}?$$ Here’s what I’m came up with. First we can balance any atoms besides hydrogen and ...
Kasonja Hill's user avatar
-1 votes
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Aluminum powder from aluminum sulfate?

I recently did the experiment where you drop a piece of iron in an aqueous solution of copper sulfate. After a while, the piece of iron gets coated with a fluffy coating of copper that can be dried ...
ElectronicsNoob's user avatar
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Number of moles of acidified potassium dichromate required to liberate 6 moles of iodine from an aqueous solution of iodate ions

I came across this question in a recent exam I had taken: How many moles of acidified $\ce{K2Cr2O7}$ is required to liberate 6 moles of $\ce{I2}$ from an aqueous solution of $\ce{I-}$ ? So this is ...
sai-kartik's user avatar
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Effect of charge density on electrolysis of dilute sulphuric acid

I am told that if electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid is performed under high charge density, then the following reaction takes place at anode instead of evolving oxygen: $$\ce{2 HSO4- -> H2S2O8 +...
Robin Singh's user avatar
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Indicators of Cu(I) or Cu(II)

We performed an experiment in class where we placed a piece of copper wire in a solution of silver nitrate, we were tasked with predicted the mass of copper that should react and the mass of silver ...
zachery moïse's user avatar
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Can Methylene Blue Detect Spoilage in Food?

Initially, there is already a product which is a sensor based on Methylene Blue, which can detect changes in oxygen levels in a packaging. However, as our thesis project, we decided to take on this ...
Zaira Bajar's user avatar
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How can iodine oxidise hydrogen peroxide?

The following is mentioned in NCERT (government textbook in India used in all schools) under chemical properties of $\ce{H2O2}:$ (iv) Reducing action in basic medium $$\ce{I2 + H2O2 + 2 OH- -> 2 I-...
Harsh jain's user avatar
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Stability of cuprous iodide in aqueous solution

An aqueous solution of $\ce{Cu+}$ is usually unstable, but $\ce{CuI}$ is stable. Explain. $E^\circ(\ce{Cu^2+/Cu+}) = \pu{0.153 V}$ and $E^\circ(\ce{Cu+/Cu}) = \pu{0.521 V}.$ I found this question ...
Sreetoma's user avatar
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How to know which reduction and oxidation reactions occurred?

We just had a lab experiment on galvanic cells and we used 0.5 M and 1 M iron(III) nitrate solution at the anode (iron electrode) and 1 M and 0.5 M copper(II) nitrate solution at the cathode (copper ...
Polo Jerome Daquipil's user avatar
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Why do we use [H⁺] and [OH⁻] in balancing redox reactions instead of using [H₃O⁺] and [OH⁻]? [duplicate]

For what reason is it universally agreed upon that we use $$\ce{H+ + OH-}$$ ions in balancing water on either side of the reaction, but not the $$\ce{H3O+}$$ ions?
user243851's user avatar
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Reaction of aqueous sodium carbonate with aluminum foil

Aqueous sodium hydroxide is known to react with aluminum foil in an exothermic, hydrogen-gas releasing reaction like $$\ce{2NaOH(aq) + 2Al(s) + 2H2O(\ell) → 2NaAlO2(aq) + 3H2(g)}$$ However, on ...
ManRow's user avatar
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Balancing the chemical equation using Oxidation Number Method [closed]

Permanganate ion reacts with bromide ion in basic medium to give manganese dioxide and bromate ion. Write the balanced ionic equation for the reaction. Please balance the equation using the oxidation ...
Roger Baker's user avatar
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Is this balanced redox equation correct? [closed]

I'm trying to balance an equation using oxidation numbers $\ce{MnO4^- + H+ + Cl- -> Mn^2+ + Cl2 + H2O}$ my suggestion: $\ce{MnO4- + 8H+ + 5Cl- → Mn^2+ + 2.5Cl2 + 4H2O}$ the 2.5 $\ce{Cl2}$ is ...
Paul's user avatar
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Redox titration or iron(II)

The concentration of $\ce{Fe^2+(aq)}$ can be determined by a redox titration using A. $\ce{KBr}$ B. $\ce{SnCl2}$ C. $\ce{KMnO4}$ (basic) D. $\ce{KBrO3}$ (acidic) Can anyone please help me on this ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Hydrogen peroxide and glycerol combination

Is the mixing of store-grade hydrogen peroxide 3% and glycerol in the ratio of 1:2 (V/V) at room temperature affecting the decomposition rate of hydrogen peroxide?
user79565's user avatar
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How much of Ag has formed on the Cu tile?

$\pu{9.547 g}$ $\ce{Cu}$ tile is added to an $\ce{AgNO3}$ solution. After some time, $\ce{Cu}$ was taken out of the solution, washed, dried and weighed. The mass appeared to be $\pu{9.983 g}$. How ...
I'm Patrick's user avatar
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Why this redox equation occurs on basic medium?

I have the following redox equation that I need to balance: $$\ce{MnO4-(aq) + SO3^2-(aq) → MnO2(s) + SO4^2-(aq)}$$ The problem says that it happens on basic medium, but I don't see the $\ce{OH-}$ ...
mayhem's user avatar
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Is the reaction involving a proton transfer a redox reaction?

$$ \begin{align} \ce{H2S (aq) + NH3 (aq) &→ NH4+ (aq) + HS- (aq)}\tag{1}\\ \ce{Pb(s) + 2 FeCl3 (aq) &→ 2FeCl2 (aq) + PbCl2 (aq)}\tag{2} \end{align} $$ Which of the following statements ...
Jaydy Perkins's user avatar
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Why is water instead of hydroxide ions used to balance oxygen atoms in redox half equations?

When balancing half equations of redox reactions, $\ce{H2O}$ is used to balance any oxygen atoms? For example, this half equation $$\ce{NO3- → NH4+}$$ is balanced into: $$\ce{NO3- + 8 e- + 10 H+ → ...
Mushroom1's user avatar
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How to balance this redox reaction taking place in a basic medium?

How to balance this reaction which is taking place in a basic medium? $$\ce{Al + MnO4- -> MnO2 + Al(OH)4-}$$ My Attempt Reduction half reaction: $$ \begin{align} \ce{4 H+ + MnO4- + 3 e- &-&...
Nick's user avatar
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Is the ionic solution of a half-cell part of the electrode in a electrochemical cell? [closed]

A simple electrochemical cell consists of two half-cells, that is: a metal solid submerged in a solution. Additionally, there is salt bridge connecting the half-cells. Ex: $\ce{Cu(s)}$ in $\ce{CuSO4(...
Bernard Bengtsson's user avatar
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Chemiluminescence of luminol

Recently I have tried to perform an experiment with luminol and hydrogen peroxide (with potassium ferricyanide as the catalyst). Upon googling, I found two ways to conduct this experiment and was ...
gerald ek's user avatar
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What's the role of sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid for the neutralization of disaccharides into monosaccharides?

A couple of days ago we conducted the following experiment at school: Add 5mL of an aqueous solution of sucrose ($\ce{C6H22O11}$) to 1mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid and heat it for 10 minutes....
Fish_In_A_Suit's user avatar
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Quantity of water in a redox problem

$\pu{76 g}$ of $\ce{FeSO4}$ are oxidized by $\pu{0.04 M}$ solution of $\ce{KMnO4}$ in presence of $80\%$ $\ce{H2SO4}$. What quantity of water must be added to the final solution of $\ce{Fe2(SO4)3}$ ...
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Partial reactions in redox formation of rust

In the iron oxidation that results in rust, the first step is to steal 2 electrons from $\ce{Fe}$. The main thief is said to be the oxygen dissolved in water, witch uses the stolen electrons to form $\...
Henrique Rigitano's user avatar
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Why does the iron rust with less salt

For my school project I was going to measure the rate that salt has on the rusting of iron. To do this I set up an experiment where I had 15 beakers containing 200 milliliters of distilled water. I ...
Dude that needs help's user avatar
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Why would a solution of FeCl2 appear brown/yellow sort of like FeCl3?

If we prepare a solution of $\ce{FeCl2}$ by dissolving solid $\ce{FeCl2}$ powder in water, supposing the bottle of $\ce{FeCl2}$ was left open for sufficient time, is it possible for $\ce{FeCl2}$ to ...
rv456shant98's user avatar
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Could stabilized aqueous ozone be bottled to prevent half life/sanitization window?

Could stabilized aqueous ozone be bottled to prevent half life/sanitization window? Typically upon creating stabilized aqueous ozone, it has a shelf life and a sanitization window of 24 hours from ...
blake s.'s user avatar
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What is the difference between balancing a redox reaction in acidic solution vs basic solution?

I'm asked to balance the potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide reaction. I misread the problem and thought that the reaction was in acidic solution. This is the result that I've got: $$\ce{...
Andres Romero's user avatar
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Is acidified dichromate(VI) capable of oxidizing hydrogen sulfide to sulfur dioxide?

My textbook outlines reductive behaviour of $\ce{H2S}$ with the reaction $$\ce{3H2S + K2Cr2O7 + 4H2SO4 -> 3S + Cr2(SO4)3 + K2SO4 + 7H2O}.\label{rxn:QR1}\tag{R1}$$ This reaction oxidizes $\ce{S^2-}$ ...
Mockingbird's user avatar
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What gas are the bubbles that evolve in the redox reaction of copper(II) chloride and aluminum?

When aluminum (foil) is placed in an aqueous solution of copper(II) chloride, the aluminum atoms lose electrons to the copper(II) ions and replace them to form aluminum chloride, and to free up ...
Joseph Hirsch's user avatar
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Would sodium metal react differently with aqueous solutions than with pure water?

I know sodium metal reacts violently with water, but what about aqueous solutions (like sodium bicarbonate). Also, what would the reaction kinetics be? I have watched YouTube videos were a small ...
user510's user avatar
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Copper metal with silver ion

My book states that $\ce{2AgNO3(aq) +Cu ->Cu(NO3^-)2(aq) +2Ag(s)}$. In addition to the formula, it also shows the following image: As in the image it shows the salmon colored copper atoms are ...
Atticus283blink's user avatar
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How does chromium(III) react to form chromium(VI) with hydrogen peroxide?

$$\ce{2Cr(OH)3 + 4NaOH + 3H2O2 -> 2Na2CrO4 + 8H2O}$$ How does this reaction occur? We suddenly get sodium chromate in the place of chromium hydroxide. I can't understand it. We mix two hydroxides ...
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