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10:50 AM
Q: Why is @KimHolder's hat bigger than mine?

uhoh(tongue planted firmly in cheek) I think it's incredibly unfair that @KimHolder gets to have a bigger hat than I do. I have more rep, shouldn't it be me that get's the bigger hat? Is it because she's on the radio, or building a Moon base, or has her own chat channel? Or is someone suggesting ...

3 hours later…
1:25 PM
He might seriously not be kidding!
Dear lord... That is a Roadster mounted on a payload adapter
I assume they will deflate the tires.
I would guess he isn't kidding at this point.
And probably remove all of the fluids from it.
Good point.
What fluids does it even have?
That is so epiclly yfunny!
Probably just wiper fluid?
1:27 PM
Brake fluid and wiper.
Yeah, that too.
Does regen braking but also hydraulic as backup.
I've got to say, it was absolutely a brilliant idea to launch a Tesla in to space.
It's basically free advertisement for Tesla, at the cost of a car that Elon just was keeping in his garage and probably never used.
Marketing for both companies. As silly a payload as possible. Sure to generate news storeies because it is so fnny.
1:30 PM
And who wouldn't want to launch their car in to space, or to fly by Mars, given the opportunity.
I will miss tdays launch, after Sabbath begins. Hope they get the bouncy castle deployed to catch a fairing (or 2?).
Launch is late tonight. Hmmm, I might be able to watch it...
8PM EST or so.
The trick will be to remember it.
So here is fun thouht. If a Roadster is his first payload for F-H. What is the first payload for BFR? An unused falcon1 first stage?
1:38 PM
Is there such a thing?
1:52 PM
It looks like according to reddit that the payload adapter is thought to be rather expensive to launch Elon's Roadster.
I am sure. They should mount a school bus on top of it as well. :)
2:24 PM
People always compare satellites to busses in size...
@PearsonArtPhoto And shuttle payload bay... Great time to make the point clear.
Maybe a Tesla bus?
3:19 PM
4 hours later…
7:14 PM
Official photo from Musk. Earlier one was apparently a bootleg. Whatever.
BYline from Musk on the photo:
Test flights of new rockets usually contain mass simulators in the form of concrete or steel blocks. That seemed extremely boring.
Of course, anything boring is terrible, especially companies, so we decided to send something unusual, something that made us feel.
The payload will be an original Tesla Roadster, playing Space Oddity, on a billion year elliptic Mars orbit.
Now which Space Oddity? Original? Hadfields version?
@PearsonArtPhoto @kimholder The official Roadster in SSSSPPPPPAAAAACCCCCCEEEE photo is out! instagram.com/p/BdA94kVgQhU
@geoffc i'm glad he's going through with it.This is art.
heheheh - 100,000 likes in half an hour.
@kimholder Art is a great description!!! I keep seeing it in the commercial sense. Good for business, drawing interest.. Good advertising, etc. But Art is good too.
I did not notice but there are 6 pics or so in that set! Best view of the inside of a fairing to date!
The side view would have been better...
7:31 PM
user image
That's an interesting one.
He said "A billion year elliptic Mars orbit"
What on earth is a billion year elliptic Mars orbit?
i think he means it will last in orbit for a billion years
(No pun intended)
Yeah, probably, but still...
if he managed a billion year orbit of anything, he would become my new god.
And a launch with seriouos fairing recovery this evening.
What a great way to end out the year!
2 hours later…
9:19 PM
posted on December 22, 2017 by William Graham

Japan will launch the second satellite of its Global Change Observation Mission Saturday. The GCOM-C…

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