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01:00 - 06:0019:00 - 22:00

7:07 PM
posted on July 05, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: In running out of the room, he falls down some stairs and never stops falling. Today's News:

7:34 PM
Q: Manhwa/webcomic about a noble lady reincarnated after dying?

user179098I'm looking for this manhwa/webcomic forgot the name this lady was on her sick bed she was married and had kids but when she died she went back in time and she woke up next to her husband who she didn't like and I think she wants a divorce I forgot most of it?

7:56 PM
Q: What does "that" in "No one ever meant that, Drax" refer to?

Aaron MichaelsRocket suggests Mantis to make Peter happy using her powers. Groot questions, Nebula is surprised, and Mantis misunderstands Rocket’s suggestion. Rocket clarifies he meant her powers, not physical touch. He states it’s wrong to manipulate friends’ feelings. Drax brings up a past incident where Ma...

8:17 PM
Q: Why not build smaller Ringworlds?

itaiIn the "Dedication" section in the beginning of the Larry Niven's "The Ringworld Engineers", Niven writes: Freeman Dyson (Freeman Dyson!) has no trouble believing in the Ringworld (!), but can't see why the engineers wouldn't have built a lot of little ones instead. Wouldn't it be safer. I hope ...

8:38 PM
Q: What does "does it words" mean?

Aaron MichaelsRabbit meets Rocket in the cage: RABBIT: Mask, eyes, face, mouth, does it words? What does "does it words" mean?

9:19 PM
Q: Manga/manhua/manhwa where the Female lead (a princess) is reincarnated by the guard who loved her

L.A.01The female lead, who was one of many princess in the royal family, was reincarnated back to her younger self before a revolution took place in the land. The guard who loved her at a distance was part of a minority in society that were treated as slaves and ends up becoming the king through marria...

01:00 - 06:0019:00 - 22:00

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