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1:43 AM
Q: Book about a boy who becomes a sorcerer

Liz HartI'm desperately looking for a book series about a boy he, I think, becomes a sorcerer. He goes to a Christmas party with his family and finds a man waiting for him, again I think. His father is absent but has something to do with this. Any help would be appreciated.

2 hours later…
3:30 AM
Q: Once Upon a Time question

user179026How did the black fairy destroy the story worlds because of Emma’s lack of belief but yet the story worlds existed for 28 years without her belief?? And how is the OUAT in Wonderland connected into OUAT timeline? I’ve heard theories of season 2 and season 4 but wasn’t sure.

2 hours later…
5:58 AM
Q: Manhwa about a blonde girl who gets adopted to replace the duke's cursed daughter

ZaraI'm looking for a manhwa I read sometime last year. I think I read it around December and it only had 20 chapters then. It's about a girl who gets adopted to replace the duke's daughter, who has a curse, and they all hate her for no good reason at all. They transfer the curse to the female lead w...


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