a list of all rooms, recently active rooms first

Artisan Spammer Cannery and Loanshar

We can spammers and do the one form of ethical shark hunting
8h ago – Journeyman Geek
Journeyman Geek: 8h ago, 774 posts (32%)Dragonrage: 12h ago, 306 posts (12%)Tetsujin: 20d ago, 741 posts (31%)

Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
8h ago – Michael
Journeyman Geek: 8h ago, 243273 posts (13%)OakBot: 8h ago, 659 posts (0%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 8d ago, 65 posts (0%)djsmiley2kStaysInside: 12d ago, 69661 posts (3%)Canadian Luke: 13d ago, 15272 posts (0%)Bob: 58d ago, 249615 posts (13%)

Ask a Super User Moderator

For moderation, spam, troublesome users and related issues you need diamond input on. This room is *NOT* for Tech Support
2d ago – Journeyman Geek
Journeyman Geek: 2d ago, 4575 posts (17%)Canadian Luke: 7d ago, 526 posts (2%)
5d ago – monkeySeeMonkeyDo

The h Bar

General chat for Physics SE (https://physics.stackexchange.com/). For MathJax see https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/220976. Don't ask about asking, just ask. For further guidelines see https://physics.meta.stackexchange.com/a/11094.
3s ago – Ryder Rude
Ryder Rude: 3s ago, 25971 posts (1%)naturallyInconsistent: 28m ago, 9189 posts (0%)Sanjana: 37m ago, 3790 posts (0%)Slereah: 1h ago, 140284 posts (8%)Bml: 21h ago, 302 posts (0%)John Rennie: 6d ago, 71915 posts (4%)

 Sugarcube Corner

Also probably a branch of Salon Solitarie...
28s ago – b_jonas
b_jonas: 28s ago, 1315 posts (5%)SPArcheon: 3m ago, 10977 posts (46%)

The Reading Room

Welcome to chat for https://literature.stackexchange.com/ — Read any good books lately?
46s ago – Tsundoku
Tsundoku: 46s ago, 9202 posts (7%)b_jonas: 1m ago, 4830 posts (4%)Peter Shor : 10m ago, 205 posts (0%)Alex: 94d ago, 834 posts (0%)

Game Development

Game development and other polite discussion. Game development conversations have priority. Please star responsibly. The Code of Conduct of Stack Exchange applies here too: https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/conduct
1m ago – Zibelas
Zibelas: 1m ago, 91 posts (0%)Vaillancourt: 22h ago, 27820 posts (1%)

Charcoal HQ

Where smoke is detected, diamonds are made, and we break things by developing on production. This room is for Charcoal, a volunteer organization focused on detecting and eliminating spam and rude/abusive posts on all SE sites. 290k true positives and counting. For more information, see https://charcoal-se.org/about. Handy links: https://metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com; https://github.com/Charcoal-SE
2m ago – SmokeDetector
SmokeDetector: 2m ago, 1004584 posts (48%)Cow: 14m ago, 9289 posts (0%)Andrew T.: 25m ago, 935 posts (0%)Mast: 45m ago, 11186 posts (0%)VLAZ: 1h ago, 3822 posts (0%)Dragonrage: 2h ago, 1615 posts (0%)Ryan M: 6h ago, 13433 posts (0%)Makyen: 7h ago, 54744 posts (2%)Vickel: 14h ago, 1817 posts (0%)NotTheDr01ds: 2d ago, 33 posts (0%)dbc: 3d ago, 35 posts (0%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 8d ago, 36 posts (0%)gparyani: 22d ago, 1970 posts (0%)Xander Henderson: 41d ago, 22 posts (0%)Rory Alsop: 174d ago, 221 posts (0%)motosubatsu: 251d ago, 26 posts (0%)Johannes Kuhn: 327d ago, 186 posts (0%)Videonauth: 1301d ago, 1089 posts (0%)greg-449: 1903d ago, 12 posts (0%)

Problem Solving Strategies

General chat for high school physics. For MathJax see [here](https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/220976). Related rooms: [Mathematics](https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/76340) & [Chemistry](https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/74807).
4m ago – Pizza
Pizza: 4m ago, 631 posts (0%)John Rennie: 4m ago, 125308 posts (32%)

TeX, LaTeX and Friends

7m ago – Rmano
Rmano: 7m ago, 4119 posts (0%)Bml: 9m ago, 46 posts (0%)Paulo Cereda: 1h ago, 141826 posts (14%)David Carlisle: 11h ago, 115522 posts (12%)mickep: 15h ago, 7455 posts (0%)Ulrike Fischer: 18h ago, 32200 posts (3%)Skillmon: 3d ago, 15497 posts (1%)yo': 3d ago, 41440 posts (4%)Alan Munn: 3d ago, 26436 posts (2%)Faheem Mitha: 8d ago, 28188 posts (2%)enkorvaks: 13d ago, 9 posts (0%)Sverre: 34d ago, 99 posts (0%)Phelype Oleinik: 48d ago, 5803 posts (0%)Stefan Kottwitz: 158d ago, 7449 posts (0%)


A room for fishing.
13m ago – OakBot
OakBot: 13m ago, 1789 posts (77%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 13m ago, 521 posts (22%)


This room is meant for discussion about logic, including foundations, deductive systems, proof theory, computability theory, model theory, ...
20m ago – user21820
user21820: 20m ago, 36619 posts (48%)Jade Vanadium: 1d ago, 2573 posts (3%)

Cafe and Tavern on the math.se

A place to socialize, have fun, share humor and war stories, and more. Note: All Octupi and Dolphins welcome!!!
25m ago – user21820
Xander Henderson: 4d ago, 2765 posts (5%)


A side expansion of the SOBotics project to the SE network. Follow us @SOBotics on twitter. https://sobotics.org/sebotics | Github: https://sobotics.org/github | Redunda: https://sobotics.org/redunda | Channel: http://sobotics.org/channel
41m ago – Natty
Natty: 41m ago, 37664 posts (80%)Generic Bot: 3d ago, 18 posts (0%)T.E.D.: no posts

Raiders of the Lost Downboat

Place to sail the open sea, and search out boats to take down. Trello board: https://trello.com/b/N4tGabC2/ask-ubuntu-abandoned-questions-cleanup Guide to handling Trello board: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eG0qNJaXGR7krDllIITZNXUSXFdpFfFkwtdcAudvz1c/edit?usp=sharing Looking for the main room to discuss Ubuntu? https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/201/ask-ubuntu-general-room
41m ago – Natty
Natty: 41m ago, 29049 posts (21%)SmokeDetector: 5h ago, 11639 posts (8%)metasmoke: no posts

 Basic Mathematics

This room is meant for all basic mathematical discussion, including basic logical reasoning, simple properties about natural/rational/real/complex numbers, induction/recursion, elementary combinatorics, synthetic geometry, real analysis, ... But trolls will never be welcome.
43m ago – user21820
user21820: 43m ago, 23805 posts (52%)

The Sphinx's Lair

General discussion for http://puzzling.stackexchange.com
46m ago – oAlt
msh210: 1h ago, 12240 posts (3%)M Oehm: 2h ago, 5430 posts (1%)Gareth McCaughan: 3d ago, 15361 posts (3%)GentlePurpleRain: 6d ago, 3047 posts (0%)Bubbler: 28d ago, 786 posts (0%)

Ten fold

CrossValidated's general room for gossip, grumbles, and idle chat. All are welcome. Please ask substantive questions on the main site.
Guillaume Dehaene: 1h ago, 6 posts (0%)

The Nineteenth Byte

The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for https://codegolf.stackexchange.com | Guidelines: https://cgcc-se.github.io/chatiquette/
1h ago – lyxal
att: 2h ago, 794 posts (0%)l4m2: 5h ago, 985 posts (0%)Adám: 10h ago, 29706 posts (1%)New Posts: 10h ago, 2470 posts (0%)mousetail: 16h ago, 13079 posts (0%)Unrelated String: 16h ago, 17415 posts (0%)Themoonisacheese: 17h ago, 76 posts (0%)Neil: 17h ago, 5137 posts (0%)Sandbox Posts: 20h ago, 1736 posts (0%)emanresu A: 1d ago, 25125 posts (1%)Ginger: 1d ago, 25584 posts (1%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 2d ago, 15 posts (0%)Bubbler: 9d ago, 10842 posts (0%)m90: 49d ago, 146 posts (0%)

The Heap™ – Consultancy ©®

General on- and off-site discussion for http://dba.stackexchange.com. Jokes explained at great length (JEAGL) please. We are using SQL. It's always morning in the Heap™ Best gymnastics group anyone could ask for.
1h ago – Zikato
Zikato: 1h ago, 4729 posts (0%)Hannah Vernon: 3h ago, 22981 posts (3%)John K. N.: 3h ago, 12287 posts (1%)J.D.: 11h ago, 3637 posts (0%)Charlieface: 12h ago, 1962 posts (0%)Erik Darling: 12h ago, 32181 posts (4%)mustaccio: 17h ago, 1729 posts (0%)Criggie: 1d ago, 361 posts (0%)Vérace: 2d ago, 5221 posts (0%)Cade Roux: 3d ago, 7562 posts (1%)

Petəíŕd's Den

While wizards are lurking, tigers and pirates are on-top-topic. Ping @Pet at will, others at your own risk! Quote to remember: If you do not do mistakes at all, it means you are a bad learner. (@Pet)

This Is Fine

The news discussion offshoot of the Bridge. Stars reserved for news items. Discussion should primarily be about news topics.
2h ago – user 85795
Wipqozn: 10h ago, 21097 posts (8%)Nzall: 2d ago, 6547 posts (2%)

The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about http://codereview.stackexchange.com/ - Welcome to The 2nd Monitor! http://codereview.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5967/welcome-to-the-2nd-monitor - Site Business always comes first
2h ago – Duga
Heslacher: 4h ago, 7567 posts (0%)Mast: 16h ago, 75989 posts (6%)Vogel612: 2d ago, 47444 posts (4%)toolic: 22d ago, 68 posts (0%)
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