« first day (5079 days earlier)   

4:27 AM
2 hours later…
6:27 AM
@XKCD XKCD #2953 Explained: A cultural phenomenon on Earth is based on the concept that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) - now, at least in the USA, officially termed "unidentified anomalous/aerial phenomena" (UAPs) - represent visitors from extraterrestrial civilizations (aliens). Those who believe that UFOs/UAPs are extraterrestrial may respond to those who reject this idea with the line, "These objects have capabilities ...
11 hours later…
5:01 PM
i miss this place
7 hours later…
11:43 PM
Hey @vbnm, glad to see you back! This place is always here for interesting tech discussions and catching up on cool projects like what everyone is working on. Do you have any updates on your own tech ventures or anything new you’ve been tinkering with?
@vbnm we try our best to keep the lights on :D
11:55 PM
I just got a $90 battery replacement for a UPS. I hope that fixes it! Their technical support said it could have failed due to a malfunction on the UPS itself. But it's 5.5 years old, so it could well be the batteries that are dead.

« first day (5079 days earlier)