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Questions tagged [validator]

For questions about transaction validation. A validator ensures that a submitted transaction is correct and can be added to the ledger.

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1 answer

Error submitting a transaction (Error: PPViewHashesDontMatch)

I hope I can get help from someone on here. I built a minting transaction on preprod using Lucid that uses a validator that always pass, and I am stuck with this error: error: Uncaught (in promise) ...
jycappucino's user avatar
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Validating ecdsa signature in aiken

Im trying to let my validator validate my ecdsa signature yet I get a weird JSON error: Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON at position 4 My Validator for ...
Thomas's user avatar
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UnsafeFromData instance for custom type

I want to use a custom type for one of my policy parameters, which will be applied by a tool like Lucid. Example of param: data CoinParams = CoinParams { policyOwner :: PubKeyHash, tokenName ::...
zing's user avatar
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2 answers

Lucid Error "End of input in bytes"

I am running the simple vesting script from PPP for the first time with Lucid and I continuosly get an error which doesn't give me much to understand what could realistically be the source of. the ...
user3755529's user avatar
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Are validator script parameters secure? (lobster challenge)

Since script params are compiled into the validator, this means that if you have the script cbor you can see what the param value is, right? Hence they would not be suitable to store data you don't ...
zing's user avatar
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Creating a malicious validator script whose hash equals that of an existing validator script

what is preventing an adversary to find (in many hours) a nonce that would make a malicious validator script to have the same hash and address of my validator script, and then submit it with cardano-...
Quantinity's user avatar
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Limit the number for each Token (AssetName) within one Currency Symbol (Policy ID)

is there any way to limit number for each tokens within one minting policy, in Plutus validator? For example for policy ab12 I want to allow users minting tokens, in different transactions. Сan the ...
dmitry_stas's user avatar
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Opportunity for theft of funds in Martify marketplace

I am some kinda embarrassed by "mkBuyValidator" in Martify Marketplace on-chain code . For buyer there is only one check for token transfer (on line 68): (valueOf (valuePaidTo info sig) (...
Anastasia Martyniuk's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Is it possible to call the `mkValidator` inside the same / another `mkValidator` function for script composibility?

Supposed I have a validator below, checking only if the output value is locked by the same script. {-# INLINEABLE mkValidator #-} mkValidator :: TestingParam -> TestingDatum -> TestingRedeemer -&...
SIDAN Whatever's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Rising trend in blocks missing: what could be the reason? Should we worry?

I came across this fantastic real-time data-visualization site for Cardano: Cardano Blockchain Insights. My question is: why have the missing blocks increased by so much? Epoch 347 is due to some ...
Jiageng's user avatar
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Can I Use TraceIfFalse in deployment?

So I use traceIfFalse to test a lot of my smart contracts now I'm ready to deploy some of then and I want to know if this is for development only or if its fine to have a smart contract use this ...
KryptoKing's user avatar
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How to have a contract on chain for extended periods of time?

In PPP Larz explains that there's a limit to how long a contract can remain on chain, what is that limit and how do I go about extending it?
KryptoKing's user avatar
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Do I Need A Contract Monad For a Burn Wallet?

If I make a script address to be a burn address, I end up having a validator that never validates i.e. returns false all the time. Does a Smart Contract that never can validate need an instance of the ...
KryptoKing's user avatar
2 votes
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Whats a Good Example of Interconnected Smart Contracts?

In the Contract Monad we have the use of w s e a. Now w is used to connect contracts is there a good example of how this is done, in particular how to validate a contract using the w of another ...
KryptoKing's user avatar
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3 answers

How Can You Prevent A Burn Address From Polluting The Cardano Ledger?

Making a Burn Address on the blockchain is currently done by using a script address with a validator that always returns False and so never validates. This ties up ADA and causes the size of the ...
KryptoKing's user avatar

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