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Questions tagged [script-addresses]

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Understanding a weird Cardano transaction with repeated addresses

Can anyone explain this transaction? It features one input and, as outputs, includes the ...
bkv's user avatar
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Javascript SDK for working with Plutus smart contracts

Are there any javascript SDKs which enable you to do the following: programmatically create and submit a Plutus smart contract to mainnet check what assets are currently locked at a given script ...
Myles's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it possible to obtain the cbor hex/script bytes from a bech32 script address?

I would like to get the script bytes from the bech32 address of a script. Is this possible?
zaherr's user avatar
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How to get all unSpent UTXOs at script address OnChain

Hi i am building CrowdFund where i need to know the total amount raised at the script as an OnChain validation. i was looking at Contexts.findOwnInput but would this only return the tx-in's provided ...
Chakravarti Raghavan's user avatar
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Which address types are allowed for collateral inputs

Collateral inputs are required to be added to a transaction when any Plutus script is executed within that tx (i.e. spending a Plutus address utxo or minting a Plutus policy asset). Obvious that a ...
Vantuz Subhuman's user avatar
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Script Execution Failure PT8

I am trying to transact with UTxO from a script address on the pre-production testnet. I locked the fund ok with Datum, now I get an error when trying to consume that UTxO, it seem that the script is ...
user3755529's user avatar
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What happens if I omit a datum hash in a transaction to a script address?

When using a Trezor to sign a transaction with a script address as the receiver, I get the message "The following transaction output contains a script address, but does not contain a datum. ...
AstralChain's user avatar
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Is it possible to consume a script UTxO in the same block?

Let's say I lock some ADA at a script address. Someone who knows the redeemer value can unlock this ADA. Is it possible to include a redeeming tx in the same block as the tx which locks the ADA at the ...
et97's user avatar
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How To Get Address Transaction history into Smart Contract?

If I want the smart contract to alter functionality depending of the history of the signing address, how do I access the history from within the smart contract?
KryptoKing's user avatar
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How Can You Prevent A Burn Address From Polluting The Cardano Ledger?

Making a Burn Address on the blockchain is currently done by using a script address with a validator that always returns False and so never validates. This ties up ADA and causes the size of the ...
KryptoKing's user avatar
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How to Get the Script Address of A Smart Contract?

Once I have written up the smart contract how to I get the script address value to be able to interact with the script whilst its on chain?
KryptoKing's user avatar
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Is it possible to send funds to a scriptAddress using a lightweight wallet?

I would like that an user using Yoroi/Nami/etc could send funds to a script address which expected an empty datum: (). EDIT (Pretty obvious, but the UTxO should be spendable later by a transaction) I ...
kindofdev's user avatar
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Listing all UTXOs spend by a script as well as the public key it came from

How do I list all Utxos that is in my script as well as the public key addresses that it came from.I am using the result as a parameter for a different function.I want to know if a public key address ...
szhang9921's user avatar
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Script Witness Not Validating for Multisig

I'm getting the following error when trying to consume a UTxO sitting in a multisig script address: [ { "scriptWitnessNotValidating": [ "...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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How to generate script address from plutus script cborhex

I want to generate the address from the plutus script's cborhex value, but so far without much luck. I am using the alwayssucceeds.plutus contract as an example for which the cborhex value is ...
D S's user avatar
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