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Questions tagged [private-key]

The secret part of an asymmetric key pair that is typically used to encrypt, decrypt or digitally sign data.

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How do I generate cardano wallet offline

quick question. for the wallet generation with address and private keys. can we do it without setting up our node or using any public node, just by using algorithms or any client library? in any ...
Sudhanshu Sinha's user avatar
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What is each node key used for?

How many keys does a node need, and how are they used? How does each node know the keys of the other nodes? And how does every node know what (different kind of) keys come from the same node?
Víctor Alan's user avatar
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3 answers

Get Master Key from Mnemonic seed for Cardano Byron wallet

I have wallet in Infinito wallet. My mnemonic seed has 12 words and Yoroi, Daedalus Wallet does not support it. I can get different Master Private key, address for Cardano Shelley, Byron wallet from ...
Heindrick's user avatar
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How to get PublicKey from PrivateKey

I want to retrieve the public key from a private key created via a mnemonic key. const { mnemonicToEntropy } = require('bip39'); const CardanoWasm = require('@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-nodejs') ...
korimusk's user avatar
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Where does Nami store private keys?

I would like to access my private key from Nami wallet. Where are they supposed to be stored?
et97's user avatar
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What is the best (and most secure) way to store private keys in an Express server?

I'm working on a server that will have access to a specific wallet that hold funds and NFTs to submit transactions. Therefore, it will have to manage private keys. I'm thinking of storing them ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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Extract keypair from hd wallet address and use for signing/verifying via libsodium

I like to use priv/pub keypair of an hd wallet address to sign/verfify data (outside a transaction signment). Based on this question i know how to derive the private key out of an address and i assume ...
ploenne's user avatar
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How to convert from cborHex to VRFKeyHash using both cardanocli-js and cardano-serialization-lib?

I'm using cardanocli-js to create both VRF files for running a stake pool: vrf.vkey and vrf.skey: const vrfKeyAccount = cardanocliJs.nodeKeyGenVRF("Totem"); Then I want to read the vrf.vkey ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to get root key from CLI generated private key?

Objective To load a private key generated by cardano-cli into cardano-serialization lib Details Using cardano-cli cardano-cli address key-gen, we get this: { "type": "...
Jingles's user avatar
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Selecting Your Own Keys

Is there a way I can specify the prime number product used to generate the public private key pair - on the creation of a wallet address? I understand that the primes in the product would have to meet ...
KryptoKing's user avatar
5 votes
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How to verify signed data?

I'm having some trouble to understand how am I supposed to verify if a signed data was really signed by a specific address. Checking this CBOR ...
glneto's user avatar
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How to recover a wallet in cardano-cli from a 24-word mnemonic

I have a wallet created with Daedalus and have the 24-word mnemonic available. I would like to use the same wallet with cardano-cli in order to build and submit more complicated transactions directly ...
Jaanus Varus's user avatar
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Is it possible to link multiple addresses built from different stake key pairs but one payment key pair?

Say I generate 10 stake key pairs and 1 payment key pair. Then, I generate 10 unique shelley addresses accordingly (same payment key pair for all 10, but different staking keys). Is it possible to ...
zhekson's user avatar
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How to restore a wallet from root.prv file

I have a wallet for testnet that I was using for some experiments, I created it using cardano-wallet CLI, generated some recovery phrase that I thought I stored, but probably never did because it was ...
Petr's user avatar
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How do we check if cardano wallet made by the community is safe to use?

Daedalus and Yoroi were made by IOHK and Emurgo (indirectly), so the credibility is there right from the start, and we can trust it (that it is not meant for malicious intent). But when it comes to ...
Dani Ihza Farrosi's user avatar

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