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Questions tagged [eddsa]

Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm, or EdDSA for short, is an elliptic curves DSA scheme using an adaptation of Schnorr signature based on twisted Edwards Curves, in public-key cryptography.

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How to verify signed data?

I'm having some trouble to understand how am I supposed to verify if a signed data was really signed by a specific address. Checking this CBOR ...
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Where can I find an official docs about private and public keys' generation?

Is there an official documentation showing us a process of creation of private key, public key (including EdDSA math), and wallet address, with examples written in Python or C?
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How does Edwards curve used for generating public key look like?

What equation suitable for generation of a public key is used for Edwards curve Ed25519? The problem is the following – info on Edwards Elliptic Curve on Wikipedia page presents an equation y^2 + x^2 =...
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