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Questions tagged [plutus]

A programming language based on Haskell used to write smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain.

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Script Execution Failure PT8

I am trying to transact with UTxO from a script address on the pre-production testnet. I locked the fund ok with Datum, now I get an error when trying to consume that UTxO, it seem that the script is ...
user3755529's user avatar
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Missing/ No Redeemer Error when spending 2 script outputs

I am getting the following error, when I try to submit a transaction that spends 2 script outputs: Error while submitting tx: ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraBabbage (ApplyTxError [...
Will's user avatar
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InlineDatum on ReferenceOutput in OffChain code

I tried to use the inline datum of a reference input in the minting policy below: {-# INLINABLE validateMinting2 #-} validateMinting2 :: TxOutRef -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> () ...
CantTouchDis's user avatar
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How do users interact with smart contract?

In plutus playground, there is an example called “Vesting”. In the simulation, users can interact with this smart contract by click on “vest fund” or “retrieve funds”. Now suppose that we compile this ...
Adam's user avatar
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Printing a plutus validators cborhex to a file

I was hoping to get some advice re printing a plutus validators cborhex to a file. Im kinda basing my logic off of an example in week03 in the pioneer program but need to make some adaptations. Below ...
NaeriKailash's user avatar
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Use a parameterized currencySymbol within a Plutus Validator. Unsupported feature: Type constructor: GHC.Prim.ByteArray#

I have a minting policy which is parameterized by PaymentPubKeyHash and a script which checks that a token from that minting policy has been burned. The script also takes PaymentPubKeyHash as a ...
Rohan Mitta's user avatar
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"plutusV2MintingPolicy" lookup not found by "balanceTx"

I am trying to mint some example tokens in offchain plutus code on tag v1.0.0-alpha1. This is the OffChain code I am currently using: mintFactoryToken :: Contract () MintFactorySchema Text () ...
CantTouchDis's user avatar
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Plutus V2 Tx Building causing NonOutputSupplimentaryDatums error

I am stuck with this error, what's a NonOutputSupplimentaryDatums?: ""transaction submit error ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraBabbage (ApplyTxError [UtxowFailure (...
Will's user avatar
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Plutus Playground - mustPayToTheScript - unexpected char escapes - 0 converted to \NUL, 1 to \SOH

I am having trouble with the mustPayToTheScript function - I am getting this error Contract instance stopped with error: "WalletError (InsufficientFunds \"Total: Value (Map [(,Map [(\\\"...
NaeriKailash's user avatar
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Plutus Playground WalletError: InsufficientFunds

I am running my smart contract on the plutus-playground and getting the error below: Contract instance stopped with error: "WalletError (InsufficientFunds \"Total: Value (Map [(,Map [(\\\&...
NaeriKailash's user avatar
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GHC error when adding TokenName to NFTMint params

I get the following GHC error for code that I am trying to update to Plutus V2. I can reproduce the error using the plutus-scripts below. Is this a bug with Plutus V2 or can anyone explain how to ...
lley154's user avatar
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Coin Selection for Multiasset

I am building an NFT marketplace on Cardano. To build my transactions I use cardano-serialization-lib. When I try to use add_inputs_from() with LargestFirstMultiAsset strategy to choose inputs for the ...
Tetiana Diachenko's user avatar
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Can I run garbage collector after installing plutus-apps?

I just finished installing plutus-apps and running nix-shell for the first time on a new computer. I noticed that the file size is pushing 60gb is there anyway for me to clean up some of the unused ...
Floof99's user avatar
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How to build a MultiSig wallet with a time delay element?

Any examples of tested libraries or code which enables multisig wallet where flow is more complex? Example of requirements: wallet transaction needs at least 2 signatures wallet can be created with a ...
Aljosa Mohorovic's user avatar
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Opportunity for theft of funds in Martify marketplace

I am some kinda embarrassed by "mkBuyValidator" in Martify Marketplace on-chain code . For buyer there is only one check for token transfer (on line 68): (valueOf (valuePaidTo info sig) (...
Anastasia Martyniuk's user avatar
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Whether validation checks are necessary

In Plutonomicon github repo it says by the end of the page: For example, you don't need to prevent an unexpected transaction from locking value away - that's the submitter's own problem - but you do ...
Anastasia Martyniuk's user avatar
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How to get Integer from Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes.TxIx

I am using the following function from the Plutus pioneer program: stakeReferenceLedgerToPlutus :: Ledger.StakeReference StandardCrypto -> Maybe Plutus.StakingCredential ...
Will's user avatar
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Cannot find wrapMintingPolicy after updating to latest release of plutus-apps

I've just checked out the latest release of the plutus-apps repository and ensured to copy the respective cabal.project dependencies (including their commit hashes). But I get a weird error, I didn't ...
Will's user avatar
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What's a BabbageOutputTooSmallUTxO error? How to access minAda in Plutus code?

I'm trying to convert a V1 contract to V2, and I have offchain code that mints a token with a OneShotCurrency, and then pays the token plus 1 ada to my script. It worked with Plutus libraries from Feb....
marcel_g's user avatar
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Is there an equivalent of Bitcoin Script Opcodes or the EVM instruction set in Cardano

Is there some lower level code that Plutus code compiles to (akin to Solidity => EVM bytecode, or BSV sCrypt => OP_codes)? Related (but distinct) how the state changes: https://cardano....
Lee's user avatar
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VSCode HLS not working for plutus project

System Info: Ubuntu :20.04 I am trying to get VSCode HLS extension working for plutus based project but seeing below error in output. Failed to get project GHC version: no cradle [Info - 3:27:24 p.m.]...
sumit bakhli's user avatar
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How to profile the budget usage of Plutus scripts

How to profile the budget usage of Plutus scripts Im struggling trying to follow the steps indicated in the ...
Manu Padilla's user avatar
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Understanding the serialization and the deployment of a custom untyped plutus core implementation

I have found this open source project that aims to create a typescript library to write smart contracts. I had a look at the code but was not able to understand a couple of main pieces useful to ...
Angelo Badellino's user avatar
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What happens if I omit a datum hash in a transaction to a script address?

When using a Trezor to sign a transaction with a script address as the receiver, I get the message "The following transaction output contains a script address, but does not contain a datum. ...
AstralChain's user avatar
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Any up to date Plutus tutorials for how to use the Emulator Trace?

I've recently updated my plutus-starter based app to the latest version, and it now references plutus-apps v0.1.0, and there are a lot of changes compared to what I started with in January. It seems ...
marcel_g's user avatar
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Committing a database to the ledger without storing it on the ledger?

The Cardano blockchain has no global state, this means that shared state needs to be introduced. Is there a design pattern that lets you commit big sets of data to the ledger without storing it? This ...
Fermat's user avatar
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Plutus Playground parsing Wallet error: EndpointDecodeContractError

I ran the code from this plutus playground tutorial in the online playground I'm getting this error when entering a number ...
A. J. Green's user avatar
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strange cabal build behaviour - won't detect changes to code file

This might have something to do with me working in a docker container, that is an ubuntu version of linux, with nix installed and plutus-starter cloned. I'm currently updating a plutus script I wrote ...
marcel_g's user avatar
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Is function "isPayToScriptOut" unsafe?

As far as i understood, function "isPayToScriptOut" assumes every output that has a datum hash is a script output. But what if we create new output with datum, assigned to some pub key (for ...
Anastasia Martyniuk's user avatar
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Plutus BuiltinData vs. Data

I am confused about how they relate to each other. At first I thought Data is for offchain use and BuiltinData is for onchain use, but then I saw that that Data is also defined in PlutusCore which ...
alvail's user avatar
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