
GuidesTest runner

Set a code coverage threshold with the Bun test runner

Bun's test runner supports built-in code coverage reporting via the --coverage flag.

bun test --coverage

✓ math > add [0.71ms]
✓ math > multiply [0.03ms]
✓ random [0.13ms]
File         | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files    |   66.67 |   77.78 |
 math.ts     |   50.00 |   66.67 |
 random.ts   |   50.00 |   66.67 |

 3 pass
 0 fail
 3 expect() calls

To set a minimum coverage threshold, add the following line to your bunfig.toml. This requires that 90% of your codebase is covered by tests.

# to require 90% line-level and function-level coverage
coverageThreshold = 0.9

If your test suite does not meet this threshold, bun test will exit with a non-zero exit code to signal a failure.

bun test --coverage
<test output>
echo $?
1 # this is the exit code of the previous command

Different thresholds can be set for line-level and function-level coverage.

# to set different thresholds for lines and functions
coverageThreshold = { lines = 0.5, functions = 0.7 }

See Docs > Test runner > Coverage for complete documentation on code coverage reporting in Bun.