

Build an app with Qwik and Bun

Initialize a new Qwik app with bunx create-qwik.

The create-qwik package detects when you are using bunx and will automatically install dependencies using bun.

bun create qwik

    .::: :--------:.
   .::::  .:-------:.
  .:::::.   .:-------.
  ::::::.     .:------.
 ::::::.        :-----:
 ::::::.       .:-----.
  :::::::.     .-----.
   ::::::::..   ---:.
    .:::::::::. :-:.

���  Let's create a  Qwik App  ✨ (v1.2.10)

◇  Where would you like to create your new project? (Use '.' or './' for current directory)
│  ./my-app

●  Creating new project in  /path/to/my-app  ... 🐇

◇  Select a starter
│  Basic App

◇  Would you like to install bun dependencies?
│  Yes

◇  Initialize a new git repository?
│  No

◇  Finishing the install. Wanna hear a joke?
│  Yes

○  ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                                                          │
│  How do you know if there’s an elephant under your bed?  │
│  Your head hits the ceiling!                             │
│                                                          │

◇  App Created 🐰

◇  Installed bun dependencies 📋

○  Result ─────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                                                      │
│  Success!  Project created in my-app directory       │
│                                                      │
│  Integrations? Add Netlify, Cloudflare, Tailwind...  │
│  bun qwik add                                        │
│                                                      │
│  Relevant docs:                                      │
│  https://qwik.builder.io/docs/getting-started/       │
│                                                      │
│  Questions? Start the conversation at:               │
│  https://qwik.builder.io/chat                        │
│  https://twitter.com/QwikDev                         │
│                                                      │
│  Presentations, Podcasts and Videos:                 │
│  https://qwik.builder.io/media/                      │
│                                                      │
│  Next steps:                                         │
│  cd my-app                                           │
│  bun start                                           │
│                                                      │
│                                                      │

└  Happy coding! 🎉

Run bun run dev to start the development server.

bun run dev
  $ vite--mode ssr

  VITE v4.4.7  ready in 1190 ms

  ➜  Local:   http://localhost:5173/
  ➜  Network: use --host to expose
  ➜  press h to show help

Open http://localhost:5173 with your browser to see the result. Qwik will hot-reload your app as you edit your source files.

Qwik screenshot

Refer to the Qwik docs for complete documentation.