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Questions related to instancing. Instancing is used to duplicate many objects that are the same. Uses such as particles, Dupliverts.

9 votes

Instancing - make real and join - duplicates itself

Select "realed instances" go to Properties Editor > Data Properties and click on a number on the first row. The "active" one (bright orange) become unique, now join them Ctrl+J. …
vklidu's user avatar
  • 36.9k
15 votes

Coral reef - How to blend scattered instances

Instead of deleting overlapping parts that results in heavily calculated mesh (the boolean version) ... could be more efficient to start from scratch - build base pattern structure and model coral ele …
vklidu's user avatar
  • 36.9k
5 votes

Coral reef - How to blend scattered instances

version Boolean You can try create a coral without a hole and Boolean hole after distribution. Just since Boolean it would be probably calculation heavy :) Note: Min Distance for Poison Disk distrib …
vklidu's user avatar
  • 36.9k
3 votes

How to duplicate an object along an edge without warping or rotating it

Curve Guide Distance can be adjusted by number of particles Edit Note: increace Curve resolution in Data Properties > Shape > Resolution Preview U to max (64) to avoid sliding in corners Or use Instances
vklidu's user avatar
  • 36.9k
3 votes

Randomly tint generated instances

Note: If your node-tree contains Realize Instances node, use Input > Geometry node > Random per Island socket in material node-tree (works only in Cycles). …
vklidu's user avatar
  • 36.9k
2 votes

How can I use image texture to mask point instancing in Geometry node?

Any issue plug image (mask) into Selection? Here is another way.
vklidu's user avatar
  • 36.9k
1 vote

Hiding the source of Instanced object in dupliface method

in Edit mode move whole grid vertices to aside (because instances are generated based on instances origin position) ... that is not so nice for manipulation or animation (but you can add Empty to manipulate …
vklidu's user avatar
  • 36.9k
1 vote

Hiding the source of Instanced object in dupliface method

Geometry Nodes - Instancing If GN would be an option for you ... you can instance by this simple setup ... just assign this GN modifier to your grid and as object use your phone (or collection of obje …
vklidu's user avatar
  • 36.9k
4 votes

How can I color individual instances of an object using a colorramp in geometry nodes?

Note: Since all your instances are blue (=0) you probably need to add Realize Instances node after Store Named Attribute node (that is not needed for Blender 3.41 as mentioned in Markus comment). … The math here: Index node values Divided by the number of instances taken from Domain Size > Instances. …
vklidu's user avatar
  • 36.9k
1 vote

Geometry nodes : Is there a way to assign a material to a specific instance?

Here is something ... Vertex Neighbors ... cubes are green. If an instance is at point with less than 2 connections material is pink.
vklidu's user avatar
  • 36.9k