
I retrieved camera properties from a bunch of Unreal scenes that I want to reproduce in Blender. The Unreal coordinate system is quite different: it is a left-handed one, cameras face +X instead of -Z like in Blender, etc.

What I want to do is simply to orient the camera with Yaw, Pitch, Roll, once I made it look in the +X direction. Yaw is global/local, Pitch is local around the new pitch axis, Roll is local around the new roll axis. I am having more trouble than I would think, and I don't quite understand how Blender local axes work (I run into gimbal locks while I would think that the whole local coordinate system would rotate along with the camera).

In the end I'll do it programmatically, but a GUI answer is good too as I'm not worried about the coding part. Thank you in advance!

  • $\begingroup$ "the whole local coordinate system would rotate along with the camera" Rotating the camera does not rotate the coordinate system; the coordinate system is the static thing that camera rotation is measured relative to. Rotating the parent rotates the local coordinate system. I would expect this misconception to be the root of most of your problems. Yaw/Pitch/Roll, in transformed axes, for a Blender camera, should be a ZXY Euler rotation mode: roll/pitch/yaw; backwards because you want it in transformed axes. Conversion to different handedness is multiplying one rotation by -1. Probably Y. $\endgroup$
    – Nathan
    Commented Apr 22 at 22:13


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