
Having a very weird issue with Blender 4.0 and no matter what I Bing or Google, I do not see a solution posted anywhere about it. And have browse all over this site and cannot find an solution to my issue. With that said, here it is the issue.

Normal Camera Behaviour: On Blender 3D view, when you press Numpad 0 toggles the camera view, then if you navigate into Properties > Scene > Camera and select a camera, the camera view changes to that selected camera. Correct?

The Issue: Not now. The issue I'm having, and I cannot say how to replicate it because I do not have a clue how it happened, what combination of keys I might have clicked or what else done caused it. So now, when I change camera on the Scene Tab, the camera view in the 3D view do not change to the selected camera. Stays with the camera that was active initially when Numpad 0 was pressed.

Scene tab camera selection

Of course, when something like this happens, the first thing I do is to check if Local Camera property has been activated and have an object or a camera selected hitting Ctrl+0 by accident, but it is not the case.

Local view disabled

I also tried to select the camera by making it active in the Collection Tree Properties with the same luck. This would be same action as selecting an object/camera and set it as an Active Camera View. But it does not change the 3D view camera.

Activating Camera on Collection Tree

Granted, when I do the changes, the camera selected is the camera used for rendering. That's not the issue here. The issue is in the 3D view, when I switch cameras, I want the camera activated with Numpad 0 to change to the camera selected on the Scene > Camera tab, which I use often to make sure changes that I made to the objects do not conflict with camera position and angle. With this issue, every time I change a camera in the properties, to see it active in the 3D View viewport, I need to toggle Numpad 0 each time.

Toggling with numpad 0 to refresh 3D view camera view

This consumes a lot of time, especially when I have to work with 250 scenes in a very limited time.

I am pretty certain that a combination of keys I pressed might have caused the issue, but I can't find anywhere, not even in the Blender manual online, of a process that I can use to reset this to its default behavior.

Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks for taking the time to do so.

  • $\begingroup$ Hm, that's strange. I would have suspected the Local Camera is enabled since some users do not know about this feature. Could you upload your file to blend-exchange.com and edit it into your question? I guess the model is not the necessary (because I do not think it causes this), just the scene with its settings, the cameras and probably a default cube to look at should do... $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 18 at 13:55


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