
Worked a long time ago in NX Unigraphhics, and still have some habits from that CAD like switching Rotate/Pan modes on the fly(without releasing middle mouse).

I made this keymap settings. Switch commands with SHIFT press/release and confirm as MIDDLE MOUSE release

And it works ok, but not quite right in this scenario of actions

Middle mouse - "moving mouse/check rotating" - pressing SHIFT(not releasing) - "moving mouse/check panning" - release middle mouse(for confirm) - "moving mouse/its still panning" - release SHIFT - "moving mouse/its still rotating".

The main thing is that it starts to rotate and pan without middle mouse pressed.

I just want to know is this a problem, or unknown for me commands are conflicting.

I tried to make additional commands like "CONFIRM - MIDDLE MOUSE - NOTHING" for both modes, hoping that blender will check status for MIDDLE MOUSE as unpressed. But it doesn't work.

enter image description here



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